Info please on game times and game process

Postby geekor » Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:35 pm

tcollier, welcome

you don't actually do any detailed managing, this game has some managerial settings, but your role is more akin to a GM.

Basically you draft a team based on a salary cap (real baseball, HA!). Rank then according to how important they are to you, and pick a stadium to play in.

Then when your league is full, that night (a little after midnight) the league will draft, and you will see what players you got. Note though that the replacement system is not like fantasy draft, where if you miss your first pick it goes to your 2nd. It will just give you the player, that no one else drafted who also plays the same PRIMARY position (listed first on the fielding chart) who is closest to the salary. So if you tried to draft ARod to use as a SS, and miss him, you would get the next highest 3B that is not on anyone elses draft card.

After that there is about 1.5 days till waiver clears. This gives all managers a fair shot at getting replacements for their team. You can make up to 8 waiver claims, and the order is determined by how many picks everyone missed.

After that the season always starts on the next Mon, with 3 games (1 series vs 1 opponent) taking place each night between midnight and 4 am. You can set your lineups, rotation, per game starters, and you managerial settings for closers, pinch hitters, how often to steal H&R, etc. There are more settings on the individual players.

Really it doesn't take much time to play. After the season starts, you can just kick back and let the team run (I don't reccomend that), or just spend some time each day (before 10 pm EST) to adjust lineups, pergame starters, settings, etc for the next nights games.
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Postby LMBombers » Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:35 pm

Welcome tcollier, I was in your position just a year ago. I played the board game as a kid for many years and then didn't play again for about 20 or so years when I found this game online. Once you play you will be hooked I am sure!

You play a full 162 game schedule in a 12 team league divided up into 3 four team divisions. The 3 division winners along with the other team with the best record makes the playoffs. Your team plays 3 games per night against one other team either home or away. The regular season takes 8 weeks to complete. Once your team is drafted you set your lineups vs LHP and RHP. You can set your rotation as well as settings for your RP, base running, stealing, hit & run strategy as well as others. You can also set your strategy for individual players like don't steal or steal more, etc. When injuries occur the computor manager selects someone from your bench to play the remaining games in the series. If your player is still injured going into the next series you can manually substitue a replacement or let the computor manager continue to make the decisions.

You should read the FAQ and the rules for a better understanding of the game. It is worth a $25 investment trial run if you have ever loved playing Strat before.
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Postby markp65 » Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:08 pm

Welcome, TC. I was a Strat game board addict as a kid. The online game is an adjustment. It's different but every bit as fun -- and addictive! Enjoy!
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Postby Palmtana » Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:16 pm

Check out the [url=]Newbie Advice Thread[/url]
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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