Round 3 - Let's go for a dozen leagues!!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby mesquiton » Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:12 pm

Here are the division lineups. The only change from teepack's original post is mcsoupy replaced (filler) Cummings in the East. Somebody in the East will set up the league when live draft is complete...the "control" is the league password, which is normally sent along to the next division as each division fills.

1. mcsoupy
4. Cubit
7. wbonn63
10. dneedle1

2. kcm0711 (Filler)
5. bleacher creature
8. casmith528
11. mesquiton

3. savguy73
6. gstanis (Filler)
12. jjbird8
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I have 2 answers (for Savguy) and 1 Question for LC

Postby mcsoupy » Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:06 pm

Savguy, I believe the divisions are as follows (and yes, in order to make this happen via the site, myself, Cubit, wBonn, dneedle would all register first, then the next 4 then the next 4 to ensure divisions are complete.

1. mcsoupy
4. Cubit
7. wbonn63
10. dneedle1

2. kcm0711 (Filler)
5. bleacher creature
8. casmith528
11. mesquiton

3. savguy73
6. gstanis (Filler)
12. jjbird8

Now for my question for the commish of this event, how do we manage the "draft" during the weekend. Are we expected to login and make picks? What are the timelines? etc. etc. Any info on this would be most helpful.
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Sorry I didn't see that somoene already responded to Savguy.

Postby mcsoupy » Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:09 pm

apologize for the duplicity of my message. . . :?

Anybody have any info though on my last question?
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Postby mesquiton » Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:30 pm

We are on 24-hour clock thru round 1, then clock is re-set to 2 hours per pick before manager is skipped. Clock is off on weekends per Tour rules, but everybody is encouraged to make picks and/or leave proxies to keep things moving anyway. Clock is also off at night, usually from (eastern time) midnight (?) to 10am (?), but I think that's Cubit's call.
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Postby mesquiton » Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:12 pm

[url=]Link to Live Draft Rules[/url]
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Thanks Mesquiton. . . :)

Postby mcsoupy » Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:49 pm

Mesquiton, thanks for the info.
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Postby Cubit » Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:37 pm

mesquiton answered the questions completely, I think. I have been through these kinds of drafts from all kinds of situations-- including most recently from the opposite side of the world +13 hours ahead, and there is always some trouble on the weekends and overnight when we try to make rules.

I think a 12 midnight EDT to 8 AM time wthout automatically skipping a player's turn is reasonable, but all players are expected and asked to try to think ahead and leave sufficient proxies to cover their next pick, at least. We all have access to the proxy list; I strongly recommend each manager create a list of proxy picks and set it to on via the YES button (being sure to confirm it). If you set a dozen possible picks or so we can really move nicely here.

The next issue is the weekend clock. We seem to have stuck at #9 Dinger's choice. That's a shame, as I know everyone here wants to get launched and wanted to at least get a pick in. I am leaving that 24-hour clock on for this round, but I would like to ask Dinger to please pick so the rest of the clubs can at least know who their "core" player is by tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who got this going. I'm looking forward to completing our draft in the coming week.
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Postby Cubit » Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:02 am

Nothing yet from Dinger. I did email him and PM him last night after posting above. Anyone knowing how to contact him in other ways, please do so. If he does not check in by the Father's Day deadline on the Draft Page tomorrow, we will need to look for a replacement.
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Postby Cubit » Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:15 am

I just emailed Dinger again and am hoping for a reply. Any stand-bys may wish to stand to! :cry:
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Postby BILLBONNIE » Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:27 pm

cubit, nice job being proactive on this, I'm one of those on the bus or off the bus sort of guys, though I try to be patient, if you sign up for a league you should be paying attention. I'm all for if dinger doesn't surface soon we take some sort of replacement action. Though I don't like to be quick to boot somebody out of a league, I do believe that one guy holding up the rest is something that needs to be addressed and I appreciate you doing so. Just my three cents.. :-)

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