Is this just my bad luck, or have I just lost it and is this simply a bad team? Link below.
Playing in Fenway with Metrodome, Comerica, and Busch in my division. Dead last in runs scored, but players are for the most part performing to their cards, and hitting v. L/R is just about balanced. Facing 65% RHP, which is what I anticipated and built my lineup for.
After 40 games, Haren, Spurling and Ray were getting shelled, so I dropped them (and CF Wilkerson) in favor of Fossum, Williams, Dominguez, Geary, and Hermanson to go with matchup SP, give the pen more depth, and move expensive Turnbow into a setup role.
Since these moves, ERA is down a half point, but I'm still playing about .350 baseball.
I must be missing something, so any help would be appreciated.