The Rivalry

Postby JUMA » Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:10 am

Forgive the interruption, but I thought the whole crux of the screaming match between you & PBTR was over which shortstop was a better value: Bush or Crosetti. I see PBTR stuck by his guns & played Bush, but am I right in thinking you initially had Ozzie and then traded for Banks?
Sounds to me like you made PBTR's point for him.
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:23 am

Juma, you're only remembering what started all the jawing. If you can still get to the old posts you'd find out that him joining this league wasn't about Bush and Crosetti. His arrogant attitude toward me honked me off. It was a plain and simple challenge of me telling him to jump on into a league I was already in. I also told him that this was an experimental team in which I was drafting at a Park I rarely play. He pounced on an assumed weakness like flies to crap. Then had the audacity to laugh at the team I had drafted. Who's laughing now? I got absolutely ZERO respect from this guy. I'll still get none from him but...OH THIS IS SWEET!
Since the hub bub I have used Bush on a couple of teams and I do not hesitate to say, I'D RATHER HAVE CROSETTI! My original contention is that once you get by Chapman you might as well get Crosetti and use the extra money to upgrade elsewhere. I still believe it. My Championship teams have had Trammel 3 times, Smith 3 times, Bowa, Wagner, Yount, and Pesky. If I'm building a team that is going to be in a grudge match I'm not going to experiment with Crosetti or Bush. I was stuck after waivers with Ott and York for my power guys for crying out loud. Yep I waited until after the 100th game when people became available and I made moves. I'd call pulling out the division a pretty good coup let alone getting to the finals. Nope this is sweet and this challenge had no stipulation on who would use who.
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:06 pm

I couldn't resist. I bumped the original BS on the old boards to the top.
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Here's my list...

Postby aceventura55369 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:36 pm

I'm all over the board, but rarely do well with less than 90 & never do well with over 100 :D


IMO Bush is more valuable than Crosetti in a pitchers or balanced park & I'd take Crosetti in a hitters park.
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Postby egvrich » Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:24 pm

Here's Bush on my most recently ended team (headed to finals), he was a mid-season replacement for Concepcion:

It was the first time I've used him since ATG I. I'm quite please with the results.

Actually, the posts back and forth between Grindi & PBTR prompted me to pick him up and start another team with Crosetti. Here' Crosetti on that team:

I'm not disappointed in him either, but the defense is a little less than I was expecting.

Gotta agree with Ace ... Bush in a pitchers park, Crosetti in a hitters park.
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Postby boss_of_um » Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:34 pm


Now that you have posted before the Finals have been played, you most assuredly will not win. The curse of the boards will strike you down 8)
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Postby tkl33 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:18 pm

Had to look at my champs:


*87 seems to be my magical number :roll:

*Have never had a 100 win team in ATG II...guess I need to try some more auto leagues. :P
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:38 am

You're right on the money Boss. 0-2. Close but no cigar. Pete and Vuck needs to come through tonight. Willie, Kiki, and Ernie have to get hot the rest of the way. So far on offense Evers has to be my MVP.
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:56 am

Here's one
PJ Axelsson
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