by ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:56 pm
On this, one of the best threads I have seen in awhile - Thanks AT, for posting something we can all sink their teeth into...
There have been many great posts here - Especially those by Fatty(durantjerry, J-PAV, Splinter and Jerlins - not to mention everyone else's - which are all valid.)
I have been around since May of 02'...So I definitely have both an old perspective as well as a new one. I play very much like Splinter and Jeep...I played the game as a kid in the mid 60's and again in the early 80's before discovering the cyber version 4+ YRS AGO...I am just a good card reader - Definitely not the mathemetician's or Prob and Stat geniuses that J-Pav, Lucky or JaserD are...Nor do I use Joe The Jet - which would take all the fun out of it for me...But i do not fault anyone who does. No matter how good their records may be.
I have never had the time nor financial availability to play with more than 2-4 teams simultaneously or more than 10-15 teams per year. So I have limited my play to Vets Leagues(LOTO and JaserD) with 2-3 Leagues as warmups for those 2.
Some points of my own:
1. Every year has been totally different - And I am greatful for that...Altho I am a change resistant person by nature, I really have enjoyed the improvements that have been made each year.
I have always enjoyed the challenges of discovering the great card values and placing them higher on my list which sets an entire new set of options down the line. I believe they are still out there. But I am not mentioning them until I see their names on the lists - then I will agree. Which brings up my next point - which has been addressed.
2. Playing your cards closer to the vest - I used to post a lot about strategy and enjoyed the interaction. I no longer share my gems early on - Mostly because it gets so difficult to get them and I don't have the time to play in a lot of leagues to make the adjustments. And like everyone else - I like winning...
However, I do have 2 views on using the info experienced players offer. A. I think it is great to be able to learn from other people's experience and apply it. but, B. I cannot stand when people literally allow someone else to do all the work for them. ie. the Qksilver concept mentioned... I think it is still important for new players to learn from the experience of playing and getting their butt handed to them a little - PAYING at least some dues before they become superstars overnite on somebody elses labor - But that is just an opinion. I am very OLD SCHOOL.
I have never minded mentoring new players that respect the game and many of them will mention it occasionally...But i have always done it privately and usually in leagues we are in during play - when it is easiest to point things out. Then of course, not being a lucky person - they usually come back to stomp me the rest of the season and forevermore. :lol:
3. I love the older Vets...Which I have become such good buds with over the years...But I also love all the newer players who have such a love and respect for the game and their intense competitive spirit and willingness to learn how to be very good at this...And without mentioning names, I believe they know who they are - because I have invited most of them to play in The LOTO INVITATIONAL that I create every year. ..Which brings me to my next point...Which Cummings2 touched upon...
4. I believe there are a couple of factors that have caused some players to play less or not at all...1. BOREDOM - There are players out there that have had hundreds of teams and after you win OR lose that much and have burned out an experiance or have come up with a FORMULA for winning in each season...
How many times can you do the same thing over and over again before some type of mental stagnation sets in. And Bragging rights in STRAT are great, but how great are they compared to the REAL stage called life? I mean it isn't the same as winning the NCAA Basketball Tournament, or knocking out Mike Tyson in his prime, or winning an Academy Award or the Nobel Prize etc etc...And I am only speaking for myself, but I always wonder if this ever crosses anyone elses mind.
2. Back to the subject of REAL LIFE - the other factor that I believe has a bit to do with less play is the fact that we are living in extremely difficult times - Struggling economy, perhaps having children overseas fighting a war, Political unrest and the one single most difficult REAL LIFE factor - Relationships - with wives or significant others. You have to admit, a lot has changed in our world since 2002. The reason I mention this point is because I have the privledge of communicating with a large portion of the SOM community in Private - when I am putting the LOTO TOUR together and the single biggest factor for players declining is having less time for our wonderful distraction here - due to REAL LIFE interfereing with it.
So in addition to what has already been mentioned. Those are 2 factors I wanted to add.
In closing, I must state that venturing out last year and playing in Leagues with a lot of newer players has added a newfound enjoyment to the game for me...Players like Cummings, Stoney, Jerlins, JD Early, gjtjeff, Maligned, charlie and a whole crop of other incredibly witty intelligent and extremely competitive players(No offense to anyone not mentioned as I just did this off the top of my head and the post is way too long alreeady) have really enhanced the quality of play IMO and created renewed interest in the game...I neither have no problem with parity, being thoroughly beaten by skilled newbies, nor with the changes in the game - which are still welcome.
I enjoyed the "OLD GAME" and the "OLD GUARD" and everything that went with those experiences. And I will miss the participation of players mentioned in my Favorite Tournament...But I don't feel that it will detract from the enjoyment of going toe to toe with players old and new.
Just some opinions from an "OLD DOG" trying to learn some NEW TRICKS... :wink: :lol:
Robert(Aka Swpsychic)