Round 3 - Let's go for a dozen leagues!!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

KCM up, then McSoupy for 2, then KCM again~ Proxies anyone?

Postby Cubit » Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:29 pm

We seem to be moving along nicely, though KCM seems not to have set proxies. Again, setting proxies will save us all a lot of agony, not only here in these intitial rounds, which should be fairly easy, but in the later rounds when you may be filling positions.

For anyone here who might be new to Penngray's Live Draft site: Just create a group at a position by list the guys you want in that group, assign them priority order, and if you don't want 6 shortstops-- I can say that now that I've got Jeter-- you just activate the Y to drop if the group is picked and the extras will all neatly disappear back into the pool.

PLEASE try to at least put one proxy ahead; a 2 hour clock should really move us along, but proxies are the key to any live draft. There is the question of courtesy, candor, and fun here.

Cummings2, please feel free to PM me that password, along with instructions as to how to use it. I, too, have a life outside of the Player's Championship, at which I have been notoriously poor, but I do like a nice life draft!

Thanks everyone who's picked so far.
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Sorry for my delay

Postby kcm0711 » Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:08 pm

I was here for my pick but, my mom called me from the emergency room and I had to go. I will here for the rest of the draft if not I will use proxies.
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The Clock

Postby kcm0711 » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:13 pm

What are the starting and ending times on the clock during weekdays?
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Postby Cubit » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:28 pm

kcm, hope everything is OK.

You ask about the times for the draft on weekdays. I have seen it as 10-12 EDT, though I would love to make that 8-12, but I am not really sure how to adjust the clock for just the night session and I am unsure whether I can be absolutely certain to log in early in the AM to change it over, so, let me make every effort to do so.

CASmith528 has until 22:35 to make his 3d round pick, then he may be passed by Dinger/Cummings2, who would have until tomorrow AM.

BUT, none of the delays are needed if we just use Proxies. We did 8 picks in 5 minutes between 8:30 PM and 8:35 and have been stuck since.

This is easy enough with a little effort; just put up 12 guys you wouldn't hate having....
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Postby kcm0711 » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:40 pm

No real problem. She will need some laser surgery on her eye tomorrow at 7:15am. Thanks for the post. I will set proxies for the morning. Hopefully, I will be back fast. They said it only takes about five minutes. I also have class at 11:30. Intro to Soc sucks. :(
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Postby cummings2 » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:31 am

Thanks cubey :D No probs, kcm helped me out with the pick.

Thnks again kcm.

I'll chek in tomorrow morn before being out again until midnight and if casmith hasn't picked I'll do to get the draft up and going.

Thnx again guys 8)
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CAS's time has expired; Cummings2 is UP

Postby Cubit » Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:00 am

CASmith's time expired last night; you are up and I hope you see this before you depart. The clock is back at 2 Hours and I really hope we can aggressively get through the 17 player, 1 stadium part of our draft. This should be fun and not a waiting grind.
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Postby Cubit » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:33 am

Much to my chagrine, we are still stuck on CASmith and I have not heard back from Cummings/Dinger on skipping the former. I am out for the rest of the day and hope that I will not be looking at a stopped up draft when I return.

It is your draft and I have no desire to herd cats.
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Postby cummings2 » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:54 am

Hey there guys, made my pick. It's 7:30 out here in the west coast.

You didn't miss me Cubey, as I said in my previous post: I'll check before I leave and pick if needed to. So...I did :D

Just so as to avoid confusions: So is the clock starting at 8 or 10. In the other post you said you've[i:f8cfec104c] seen [/i:f8cfec104c]it at 10 but would[i:f8cfec104c] like [/i:f8cfec104c]it at 8? But still not at what time [i:f8cfec104c]is[/i:f8cfec104c] :P .

From the your previous post Cube I took it that the rule is 10 AM (which is 7 AM Pacific, early but not the asinine 5 AM that an 8 EST would be) and I skipped CASmith at 10:15

When I got up and got PMs and read posts about herding cats and not hearing back from me and all of be honest I got confused, not only because all of this was only 6 hours after I wrote last night my previous post... but because it was only 15 minutes into the clock being into effect.

I do rely on not having to be the one to skip, so if in this draft I'll be called upon to skip people then I'll have to hand either my spot to someone else, or my password to a couple of other drafters. Kcm was cool and helped me out the first time I had to skip, guess I'll take you up on your word Cubey and PM you my password in case this happens again.

On the other hand If you had told me I could've made my pick last night... so, don't worry about me, I don't need to be herded anywhere. 8)
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CASmith up again

Postby Cubit » Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:15 pm

Cummings, when I wrote about herding cats I was not referring to you, of all people. Sorry for any confusion and please accept my apologies. I was only saying that today it has been very hard for me to check in here, but if I hadn't we might still be stuck back at And I did mean to make it clear that 10 AM was the beginning time during the weekdays.

I am mainly disappointed we've had so many early stoppages when proxies are so easy at this stage of any draft.

The clock is reading 2 hours per pick now, but we are making them in fits of 2 or 3 because people have left their proxies make things move nicely.

I always prefer to make my picks in person, so I understand the desire to be here for the pick, but I also know that when I cannot be around, leaving the proxy set on is courteous to the rest of the draft, and, truth be known, usually prevents me from blundering with those "last minute inspirations" that get me in trouble. :shock:

All seems good with both dneedle and Cummings picking just a few minutes ago, so we move along in Round 4, with CASmith528 up.

By the way Charlie, when I urged you to pick in the last round, I wasn't suggesting you take Randy Johnson from me.... :oops:
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