Thnx for the bump J. 8)
Back to skill or chance,
What I've been thinking of today is along the lines of seeing results not from leagues or multiple teams by a manger through several seasons but rather into the smaller data of how runs are produced/prevented.
By this I mean, is the pythagorian record completely off from actual records of teams? My guesss is that it isn't. If the regular indicators that would lead to evaluating and projecting wins/losses are still, to a great extent in effect then perhaps it would be valuble looking at specific "players" performances in different environments.
To illustrate my point, because I don't think I'm doing too good. Fatty posted a team of his in petco in the strategy forum, the point was about solid defense and stud pitching with David Ortiz as the main offensive weapon. Well his David Ortiz in petco hit about 80 points higher than a current David Ortiz of mine in Ameriquest. I'll post links and stats later (I can't at the mo.) That would probably tip the scale more towards the chance argument.
Does this make sense?