

Postby GREGRASHEED » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:14 pm

After 45 games, Bay is hitting .289 with 3 homers and 19 rbi for me while playing lf in RFK. Is it time to dump him for a lefthanded power hitter or high average one for RFK? Help!
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Postby visick » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:20 pm

Keep him
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Postby JdEarly » Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:43 am

I urge people to never straight out "dump" any player once the season starts, especially someone with a salary as high as Bay's this year. You take a 20% hit when you do that, and in Bay's case, he'll lop about $2 million right off the bottom line of your salary cap.

I would recommend trying to deal him to someone who might have better luck with him - he might even fetch you a top of the line starting pitcher if you find a trade partner with good pitching and no offense. Just a thought.
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Postby paul.czarnecki » Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:18 am

I used to think dumping players was a bad idea, but recently I had a team that I nearly completely retooled after the season was about 50 games old. When I made the moves I was over 10 games out of first and I ended up finishing 3 games out. The team definitely did better after I made the moves.

I do always try to trade first, but I've found the majority of owners are reluctant to deal (even if their team is 20 games out of first), not to mention you can't always make it happen financially.
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Postby emart » Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:13 pm

It would be most helpful if you posted a link to your team (check here in past posts for instructions), because there really isn't nearly enough enformation here to offer good advice.

If you choose to look for a trade, I'd start talking with any Minute Maid team (if there is one) that isn't in first place or near the top in runs scored.
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Postby Ducapa » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:45 pm

I had Bay in Miller Park for about 130 games or so. He was batting something like .230 with 20 HRs.....horrible! I was in 1st place at the time, but it was a close race. Finally I was able to deal him to a team who was trying to make a late run. I think I traded Mora, Bell, Bay, Mark Sweeney and for Hafner, Wright, Floyd, some junk players were thrown in but that was the core trade. My team finished 92-70 and ran away with the division, and I am just starting the finals tonight. Anyway, I think Bay is one of the worst high priced players I've ever seen. I would hold onto him
until you can trade him for sure.
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