by KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:01 pm
I find it pretty kind of shocking that I'm ranked 174th overall and I had pretty much taken the '03 and '05 seasons off. I played a lot when the game came out ('01, '02, ATG, 80s) and there were many many Strato diehards and buddies who I thought would always stay and play. A lot of them are gone!! I can't believe approximately only 173 people have played more than me in the 5 years.
I have come back this year and am playing a lot (currently have teams in the 80s, ATGII, 2006, and 1969). There are a lot of great guys to always talk to and get into bizaare theme leagues. It's my online friendships here that allows me to rationalize that $25 is worth a cyber-team. The reason I left was because of the $25 a shot. At that time, I would just create teams and jump in public leagues and didn't have time for the message boards. I did very well in those days because the public leagues were typically full of rookies or intermediates. Now that I'm joining leagues with the best of the best, my winning pcg. is dropping but I'm having a lot more fun!! Because of that, I'll keep playing.
I'm looking forward to the ATGIII league. I do wish they would drop the price of these leagues. $15 to $20 is more reasonable in my mind. For some reason, I think SOM/TSN wants to hold down the amount of players playing this game. It is in my opinion, this is the PREMIUM on-line game by far. No one can touch it. So, on the flipside, the hefty price tag does keep the trash out of the leagues and off of these boards.