autodraft miss logic

autodraft miss logic

Postby spicki17 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:55 am

i'm confused about something and i was hoping someone could explain it to me.

i did an autodraft last night and missed on 3 rp's: [b:9434f07f88]fultz, heilman, and huston street[/b:9434f07f88]. the players i got were [b:9434f07f88]valverde, wheeler, and farnsworth[/b:9434f07f88]. i understand why i got valverde for fultz (since bwags is the only player in between and he is gone), but i am confused why i got the other 2 rp's.

for heilman, turnbow is gone, but cotts, politte, and benoit (and a few more rp's) are still available above both farnsworth and wheeler.

for huston street, helling and crain are both available above farnsworth and wheeler.

based on TSN's rule of: [quote:9434f07f88]For each team that lost out on a player:
The team receives the next highest-priced player that is the same primary position of the original player, that was not selected by any team. [/quote:9434f07f88]

i am confused as to why i got the people i did. i even checked to see if missing on heilman and street (who both have closer ratings) they went for the next closer, but that is not the case (if that were the case i wouldve gotten politte and crain. i dunno.

can someone help please?!?!?!?!

-- pappa spicki
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Postby geekor » Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:49 am

it might also match Closer rating, or try to.

There was a while where if you draft a Sp/Rp, it would try to match the same RP ratin, until I bitched like hell to get that changed because it was making me miss out on many good pitchers.
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Postby spicki17 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:35 am

[quote:7cef6f3c73]it might also match Closer rating, or try to. [/quote:7cef6f3c73]

ahhh, so if i miss on heilman as a C4, then the next non-C0 is wheeler (who is within 2 closer ratings of him -- C4 v. C2). and when i missed on street C5, i get farnsworth C4.

what terrible logic if that is true.
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Postby geekor » Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:01 am

no, a C0 does not count as a closer. It must be a C1 or higher, so then it is correct.
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Postby Coffeeholic » Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:09 am

Ya know, there have been a myriad of improvements implemented by TSN over the 5 years that SOM On-Line has been operational.

Perhaps some programming changes in the draft can be implemented soon to help correct some of the deffecincies in this process.

For example, in Penngrays Draft site, we have the ability to list proxies by priority, ie.: Clemens - Group 1, Priority #1, Pettite - Group 1, Priority #2 (delete if group has been picked), etc... Couldn't we do the same when listing our draft picks for the autodraft? Not sure if this would get too heavy, esp. for newbies, but at least it would help to insure that if I want say a hard LH reliever, I won't end up with a hard righty instead.

Another idea could be to "bump" up your next pick to replace one in which you've missed. For example: Say I miss on Clemens for my #1 pick... my # 2 pick would then automatically become my #1, my #3 pick "bumps up to #2, etc...?
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Draft Logic

Postby mjf309 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:39 am

To bump to your next pick in the draft is a great idea.
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Postby geekor » Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:39 am


my suggestion has been to Bernie many times to just add a drop down list next to each player drafted, that fills with all of the positions he can play. Then you select which position you are drafting him for. That was you if you draft ARod for a SS, you might get Peralta instead of Wright in return. Or if you draft Dunn as a LF instead of 1B, you would get Winn in return, etc. Allow DH to be a place, so if you miss out you just get the next highest hitter period. It would solve a myriad of problems, and be easy to implement.
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