Round 3 - Let's go for a dozen leagues!!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby casmith528 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:16 pm

dneedle already missed his last pick and is up again in the next few picks and some punk ass bitch named mesquiton is still harping on me not leaving proxies.

just to let you know mesquito, or nat, whichever you prefer. i never leave proxies and do not plan on leaving any in this draft.
If its my turn and im skipped, oh well, its my loss and not yours. go f yourself.
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Postby kcm0711 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:23 pm

Does anybody know how to get in touch with Dneedle other than PM? If not, we are on hold until he comes back or Cubit does something. He made a pick late last night. Maybe, His proxies ran out and he has not checked in.
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Postby kcm0711 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:28 pm

OK. This is going to be a fun league. Rivals are being formed. This league could have a lot of serious trash talk. Cool. :twisted:
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dneedle, skipped once, is up again until 6:10

Postby Cubit » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:27 pm

We've now been informed that we're losing nothing by a player not using proxies to help us move along. Well, the draft rules allow that option. I accept that as a philosophy, but do not appreciate it particularly as a fellow manager, since we end up waiting for something about as simple as falling out of bed. casmith, you are free to do it that way if you like, but PLEASE show up within your two hour intervals, or let us know in advance if you cannot..

These things always end when the draft does; the only problem is that the draft has taken many hours longer than necessary. I guess we are all on notice that when casmith is up it is safe to take a two hour break. :D A replacement manager will be on call if two picks are skipped, as per teepack et al's Player's Championship Rules.

Of greater concern right now is dneedle1's status, since he has been incommunicado, and I haven't heard anything from him either. :) His time expires at 6:10 PM EDT. The vultures are circling.... :roll:
Last edited by Cubit on Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mesquiton » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:31 pm

[quote:6a01e0b07a]If its my turn and im skipped, oh well, its my loss and not yours. go f yourself.[/quote:6a01e0b07a]

Gosh CA, you not only love us all, yer not only considerate of everybody else's time, yer polite besides...what a guy! :wink:
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Postby Cubit » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:39 pm

[quote:c9c8a03563][b:c9c8a03563]Stopping the draft: [/b:c9c8a03563]If a manager is skipped for a second time, the league may choose to halt the draft until it determines if the manager is going to be able to continue. If a manager can’t continue, the draft should be stopped until a replacement manager can be found. The replacement manager should then be allowed to make all the picks necessary to get caught up before the draft is restarted[/quote:c9c8a03563]

The above is the relevant portion of the rules when a manager during this draft has been skipped. The options are in the hands of the league.

I do not intend to let any more grass grow under our feet, since this league is part of the entire Tour thing that is running along outside our own little universe.
Last edited by Cubit on Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby casmith528 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:40 pm

Thank you all for understanding my point of view.
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CaSmith -- no harm, no foul. . . but I think this is

Postby mcsoupy » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:56 pm

what the fellas/Ladies (not sure if we are all same gender -- wouldn't want to be politically incorrect):

We are all subject to some level of courtesy (and while I don't like the proxy bidding, I have made all of my picks within the 2 hour window, and I try to make them within 30 min of the previou posting. . . my last one got screwed up by KCM taking Street, who was going to be my next choice, along with Dunn. . . so I needed to re-group which took me a bit longer, but I was still within the hour.

An 18 round draft can be a bit long (and some of the natives are restless), and while you don't mind skipping your turn, it still takes us 2 hours to wait until that pt. If you are not going to make your turn, then notifying Cubit would expedite the rest of the draft.

Additionally, the "F" word is rather harsh, and probably out of line. . . something a bit softer, yet still getting the point across would be:

a) I'll crush you like a bug
b) Go jump on your momma
c) Take that can of corn out of your pie hole
d) etc. etc.

Our league just went from G to R in 1 little consonant. .. :)

Here is to a great league (once we get started), and although this may be taking a long time, we all know that everyone has their preferences and idiosynchrocies (spelling?), so this all takes me back to the Bible -- "patience is a virtue" . . .

Now, who the hell cares!!!!!! Let's make some picks!!!!! :)

Paid for by the "Whoop Some Ass" Society of America
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Postby casmith528 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:04 pm

what did one lesbian frog say to the other lesbian frog?
you know, you really do taste like chicken.....
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Postby savguy73 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:26 pm

Can the managers of a division trade a rival team to another division? Cummings/Dinger is putting together a very good line-up in the East, much to my dismay because I am also in the east. :?

Props out to Cummings on the fine draft he's been having.
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