Round 3 - Let's go for a dozen leagues!!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby mesquiton » Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:07 pm

Looks like McSoupy got US Cell, but Farnsworth instead of Chipper... :?
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Postby Cubit » Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:57 pm

McSoupy, I did not check in until after Australia Qualified for the Round of 16 in the World Cup! I am not sure NYC will recover from that soon....

Sorry about your mix up on the draft, but as mesquiton says, you got US Cellular, but Farnsworth came through rather than Chipper Jones.

I kind of know how you feel as I got both A Reyes and Jenks with my last two picks :oops:

I am loath to pause the draft in this situation since you did make the pick, and unfortunately I did not learn of it until several other relievers were picked already. I don't know if SAVGUY would have picked Farnsworth instead of Rincon--not likely--and since I really wanted to pick my guys in reverse order (i.e. Jenks then Reyes), I would not have chosen Farnsworth had he been available, these things do happen and we've got some time to switch around. I cannot do much about Chipper Jones, though... he's still in the pool.

If anyone has any thoughts, I'm listening.... (though my ears are still ringing.. GOL........>>AUSTRALIA!!!! Go Sockeroos. (My Japan club got clobbered by Brasil, as expected.)

CASmith's time has expired and DINGER/Cummings may pick.
Last edited by Cubit on Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Cubit » Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:05 pm

OH GREAT! The clock seems to have gone haywire and suddenly CASmith528 has oodles and oodles of extra time on the clock, beyond midnight in fact. I did nothing with the clock, so we have gremlins.... His expiration time on the boards was 19:35 until the mysterious "time slip"-- I hate when that happens...--

CAS's time has actually another half hour to run, as we can all see from the time of the previous pick.

CAS, if you're out there somewhere, a pick would be most appreciated, or we're stuck.

I will attempt to reset things, but that is not a power I have here, I am afraid.

btw, I'd be very careful Cummings2 when you say you're " plugging a few missing members of the faculty" these days professors can get in a lot of trouble that way. Especially if you're doing on top of your duties-- well, asl long as it wasn't your desk. I know the dangers of language-turnabout, don't you know...
Last edited by Cubit on Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby savguy73 » Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:11 pm

I will be away from the computer starting tomorrow afternoon until Sunday evening. So casmith538 will not be the only one unable to pick and check proxies. Let me know the schedule. I am assuming that we pause the draft over the weekend like was posted earlier. I can only do so much budgeting with proxies and need to look at the number and react to whats happening in the western division.

I wanted Rincon more then Farnsworth, so I am OK there. Bummer about not getting Jones though. Maybe somebody who wants Farns can draft Jones and make a trade.
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Postby Cubit » Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:17 pm

savguy, it does seem we are going to have a lot of motion among the members this weekend and it seems a pretty good idea to pause, though we did very well today and I thought we had a good chance of moving another round or two at least. Hopefully we'll get in a few more picks tonight anyway.
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Postby mesquiton » Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:07 pm

As I recall, there was a specific rule last year about live draft drops/adds in the case of "mistake" picks...seems to me the drop had to be made before the next pick was made, but I'm not sure, and there may have been exceptions. Unfortunately, that section of the rules was left out this year, apparently because when this year's rules were posted, we didn't know if Penn's draft site would be available.

Teepack might have a copy of last year's rule and/or could tell us if it should apply this year as well. If anybody still has a link to the old boards (if they still exist), the detailed draft rules should still be posted there, if that helps.

Otherwise, if the draft site will allow it, I'd have no problem with McSoup just dropping Farnsworth and picking Jones. Not sure how the draft site handles drop/adds after later picks have already been made, but I can be around all evening to approve a drop if needed (takes 2 approvals I presume).

ps to [b:db725dc21b]teepack:[/b:db725dc21b] might not be a bad idea to add that section back to the posted rules if not too late...?
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Postby mesquiton » Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:40 pm

Ooops...I did find a [url=]link[/url] to last year's "revised" rules, but the section I thought I recalled was not there. I think it was (inadvertently?) dropped when the 2005 rules were revised re putting the wrong players on draft cards.

Then again, I'm old and tired, maybe I just dreamed it... :?

But I'll still be here to approve a drop if needed. :)
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Postby Cubit » Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:22 pm

I would have been prepared to go with your suggestion, but since the draft has leapt on ahead, I think we must wait for MacSoupy to put Farnsworth's name up there on the Player Drop list; I too would have approved, BUT we have moved even further along now. The post draft Waiver period is where this will have to be rectified, I am afraid.

WHAT is the deal with him trying to drop the CHICAGO AL STADIUM? That I cannot approve; since that impacts everyone subsequently.

CASmith appears to be up again and once more my proxy list has been ripped through...
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Postby mesquiton » Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:57 pm

I think that's the stadium he wanted, he was just afraid he might have dropped it by mistake.
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Postby casmith528 » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:26 pm

just wanted to say hello to everyone.

its 3:00, and school just let out. 3 kids, all in 2nd grade, are in the courtyard talking and playing when they decide to show each other there members and compare.
the first kid, a jewish boy named adam, takes out his penis first.
the 2nd boy, an italian namede tony, takes his out and its much larger than adams.
the 3rd boy, a black kid named leroy, takes his out and its twice the size of the other 2.

he runs home and tells his mother how he was playing with the 2 other boys, they took out there penis, and his was the biggest by far.

his mother replys" of course yours will be the biggest, they are only 7 years old and you are 18".
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