When did you start playing Strat?

When did you start playing Strat?

Postby sousa » Wed Jun 28, 2006 9:37 am

My first card set was from 1968. Gibson 1.12 ERA, Tiant and McDowell both starting for Cleveland with ERAs at 1.64 and 1.81 respectively. Amaze my friends that I can still remember those numbers out to the hundredth place. Second card set was illegal--somebody somewhere had found a way to reproduce-mimeo?-cards and I had a few 1967 teams including the Red Sox and the Twins. I had complete card sets from 1969 through about 1978, which my parents heaved when I went away to college....

Didn't play again until I found this online game. What goes around...
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Postby visick » Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:56 am

Never had the board game, but a few friends did.

I'd say about 1977 or '78 was when I first started playing.

Didn't play for many years, then started here in '02 or '03.
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:03 pm

Same here. Played the board game starting in 1977-80, 4 of us would get our favorite teams and then we would get 2 teams that didnt do very well, the As and Mariners stand out in my mind, and we would draft the players on those teams. My friend and I would be in the basement all day, over 10 hours playing game after game. We would play a 7 game "world" series and then start all over again. I would talk to my cards back then...oh, wait, I still do. :wink:
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:35 pm

1975. Bought the game and it had the Reds and Red Sox. Purchased my first full set of cards in 1977. Saw that Strat was online when if just came out but didn't join until a year later.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:49 pm

I started playing in '79
I think when I bought the game my teams were the Whitesox and (I think) the Reds. For some reason I remember loving Chet Lemon's card.
In '80 I bought the set and played with these until going off to College.

Would spend week-ends over at friends houses and 8 of us would play all day and night. Tourneys and over the phone games. Loved it.

I really wonder why I didn't take to college, it would have been a hoot in the dorms. Got addicted to spades instead.

My parents moved 6 years ago or so and I asked my mom what she did with my game and she tossed it out. I really wish I could go back and see some of my scorecards for those games.

I remember Tom Seaver throwing a 1-0 no hitter against Steve Carlton in one of the games.

I saw this online game a few years back and finally last year decided to give it a try and have been hooked since.
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:33 pm

Burt Hooton tossed our only perfect game. :lol:
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Postby NFLed1 » Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:42 pm

Around 1979 for me when I was in college I think I saw an ad for a league and since I had played another baseball board game Sher-Co (a much worse game in my view but what did I know at the time) I tried out Strat baseball and was hooked right away. I was in a few leagues and then in 1986 someone showed me the Strat football game and I have been bigtime hooked on that ever since, it's a great game especially now that it's on CD (version 5 is the current version) and I play about 75 online league games head-to-head per year. Then around 1992 I started playing the Strat basketball game and am still playing that. I run two Strat football leagues and one Strat basketball league (going on 10 years soon) all using the computer games.

I stopped enjoying MLB altogether around 1991 and haven't been a fan since, I also had stopped playing Strat baseball since I didn't enjoy MLB any more even though the Strat game was still fun.

When TSN/Strat started their leagues in I think 2001 or 2002 I was given a free invite (long story) and though I was skeptical I tried it out and had a much better time than I anticipated. I have been in leagues each year ever since and have a lot of fun with it even though I still am not a fan of MLB.
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Postby durantjerry » Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:07 am

My best friends older cousin brought the game over for us. I remember the Atlanta Braves and lots of slugging. I believe it was the 1973 set and I was ten years old. I bought the game and six 1974 teams. Had the full sets(including the all important "extra players" from 1976 through 1981). Participated in a league in college. I started listening to the SN radio station and checked out the website before taking the SOMO dive back in 2002, playing seven teams in the initial 2001 season offering. Thought it was the greatest thing I'd seen in a while. Anyone remember the Strat-o-matic Review or the "Strat-o-matic Fanatic" T-shirt. Before the computer game, they used to get big $$$ for old teams, as they weren't reproduced after the set was made.
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Postby mbrake » Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:18 pm

1979 season cards around 12 years old. Game rocked - played with classic teams of the day (Astros, Dodgers, Brewers, Red Sox, Pirates, Angels, Yankees, Phillies, Cards, Expos, Reds, & sadly my Twins). Loved the realism & strategy. Played with friends & neighbors for several years into college.
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Postby johnsain » Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:11 pm

1973 - I bought the 1972 AL East teams - great division race that year. I had only one friend to play it with me so I developed ways to play it solitaire. I came up with a 'holding-on chart' to determine when my 'opponent' would be holding on my runners. It took into account the stage of the game (1-3rd innings, 4-6th innings, etc) and the score (up 1 run, up 2+ runs, game tied, etc). It was determinedby the total of a 2 dice toss. I sent this chart (I was 12 years old then) to 'STRAT-O-MATIC' REVIEW' which was a fanzine produced by some guys in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and they printed my chart in it. Man, I was proud! I wonder what happened to the SOM Review?
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