Thanks so much for looking at this post. My last minute questions are:
#1: I have 4 starting pitchers with an "*" so they can pitch on 3 days rest. But I was wondering if I added a 5th starter without an asterik, how would I have to set up my rotation so all 5 starters (4 w/ asterik, one without) pitch without skipping any of them?
#2: Same question as above, but 3 with asterik and 2 without?
And I know I know I don't need a 5th starter pitching but the one WITHOUT the asterik is actually better than a couple of the ones WITH an asterik..thats why...
#3: How do I change my teams name in Strat-O-Matic baseball?
#4: How bad will my pitching be affected if I have Soriano at 2b, but a 1(-5) in right field and a 2 at shortstop?