Round 3 - Let's go for a dozen leagues!!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby jjbird8 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:49 pm

For what it's worth, the league is now closed.
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Postby kcm0711 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:14 pm

Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Hi ho the witch is dead, Hi ho the wicked witch is dead.

God, I hate that freaking Bob Barker.
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Postby bleacher_creature » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:31 pm

[quote:631589ad98="jjbird8"]For what it's worth, the league is now closed.[/quote:631589ad98]

Thank you Jaysus.

I will be able to set up my waiver picks tomorrow a.m. I may stash some cash for when I get back. It will be a real test of my inability to play Strat.
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Postby Cubit » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:43 pm

[quote:7ed6dde0ae="casmith528"]are we full yet? did jj enter his team and we are drafting tonight?
whats going on?

maybe we should all just withdraw our teams and start over at this point[/quote:7ed6dde0ae]

The League has Now complete, the draft will run tonight. Congratulations to everyone for your P A T I E N C E and perseverence.
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Postby savguy73 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:13 pm

I need to pull out



... just kidding. :lol: I'm excited to see what the results of the draft are.

I feel for those who will lack internet access over the weekend. Many hotels have a free internet station for guests, as well as many libraries. Maybe you could sneak into a hotel lobby or find a library or maybe just a friendly business owner.

As far as I know, there is no internet in the wilderness yet, which I discovered last weekend.

I assume the games will start Monday night. That means that drops after that time are penalized part of their value. If you cannot get online by Monday night, drop as many people as possible tomorrow morning and then you'll have a full budget to add players when you return.
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Postby bleacher_creature » Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:11 pm

[quote:9dc303e286]If you cannot get online by Monday night, drop as many people as possible tomorrow morning and then you'll have a full budget to add players when you return. [/quote:9dc303e286]

I was thinking of something like this, but I like the way you put it - to drop as many players as possible.
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Postby teepack » Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:55 pm

Thank God!

Good luck fellas.
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Postby mesquiton » Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:14 pm

Cubit, I hate to bring it up in the midst of all this elation, but I'm wondering if you will be around tomorrow to resolve issues that might arise from the draft order confusion...?

We know wbonn63 will get all his picks...unless dneedle or mcsoupy or somebody else also put their auto-drafters at the top of their list per teepack's instructions. I know we all hope it doesn't happen, but it seems not unlikely that some of us will have drafted some of the same players.

So how do we determine who gets those players if more than one of us drafted, say, Halsey (my top AD pick), and wbonn gets him? Does he have to drop all his AD picks? Is that really fair to him? If so, for how long? Is it then a free-for-all frenzy? What if 2 or 3 of us listed Halsey (or whomever) first? Or last? Should we maybe have a ruling in place in advance, just in case?

Again, I'm sorry to bring it up, but considering that it's really not an unlikely scenario, seems it might be a good idea (especially if you won't be here) to know ahead of time how this will be handled, no?

Aside from that, many thanks for your efforts, patience and perseverence in getting us here! :D :D :D
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Postby Cubit » Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:49 pm

[quote:1fb96052b7="teepack"]Thank God!

Good luck fellas.[/quote:1fb96052b7]

Thank's for paying us a visit Commissioner! Good sentiments.... We are the Walking Live after a near death experience.

On the issue of incorrect draft orders, I am not sure what will happen, but he was the one who offered to drop his picks. For all I know, he picked all of mine, too. Well, I confess that I did not have Halsey on my list, but I'm not even certain who I did have at this moment....

One possibility would be to post any player challenges when we all see who he gets, remembering that he may have gotten all his choices, but others of the Happy Dozen may have also be the reason one of us didn't get our own choices. wbonn63's roster would be the only place to really look. Let's see in a couple hours.

I intend to be watching the World Cup matches with friends tomorrow. I just returned from the local where I watched Coco Crisp rob the Mets and Papi add the killer at Fenway.
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Postby casmith528 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:03 pm

at this point i think we should all just deal with whatever the autodraft gives us, regardless of already knowing that at least 1 owner will get each of his picks.

there is going to be no way of fairly taking players away from an owner, how can you prove he was on your original list?
what if 2 or 3 of us say we had that guy listed?

i myself will be at the mets yanks game tomorrow and wont be able to be around for the opening free agent period.
so i also will have to deal with what the draft gave me.

anyone agree?
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