by BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:10 pm
Put a link to your team if you already have drafted one.
If not, I would make a couple of suggestions based on my experience with Coors.
You can spend a little more on starting pitching if you want.
Make sure to pay close attention to BP # on your pitchers cards, these will most likely be homers at Coors. Same goes for hitters.
Pitchers I have used there are Byrd, Lackey, Huarang, Glavine (he didn't do well for me, but has for others) Burnett, Colon, Buerle, Mulder.
They are what they are...remember only half of your games are at Coors
Relievers that I have used with some success Vogelsong, T. Williams, and Lebrink. The one must have is Aaron Heilman, I have had him on all but one Coors team and he has done the Job as Setup and Closer.
Look for R2 or R3 though since your starters won't last more than 4-6 innings for the most part.
I also have had success with Kerry Wood against Righty's at Coors
Just some thoughts