Yeah LM we'll go with tonites #'s if we hear from litangel for his state...High to low for draft order...Division alignment will also be determined by the lotto, east 1-4, central 5-8, west 9-12. As LM stated, it may take a while for 12 rds so be patient, Oh well it'll give us more time to study the cards...After tonights lotto #'s are posted we'll start drafting tommorow....If some of you guys need to send proxies, I'll be glad to take em' if you are not gonna be near a computer...I, myself will be a little slow this weekend as I work weekends..I am able to check in every so often though..Should be a fun league..
Quirks---The reason you put your 12 drafted players at the bottom of your draft clique is you already own them so get undrafted players at the top so you have a better chance at rounding out your team....If you put your 12 drafted players at the top--you essentially loose the first 12 picks of auto draft.