Opinions on my 2nd 2006 team, first at Miller

Opinions on my 2nd 2006 team, first at Miller

Postby ArtemusRex » Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:46 pm


Okay, here is the way I see the lineup.

# Name (Bats) Pos Def BA OBP SLG Bal
1. Utley, C. (L) DH - .291 .376 .540 3R
2. Jeter, D. (R) SS 2e16 .309 .389 .450 2L
3. Estrada, J. (S) C 4(+1)e1 .261 .303 .367 4R
4. Floyd, C. (L) LF 3(-1)e2 .273 .358 .505 2R
5. Taguchi, S. (R) CF 2(-1)e3 .288 .322 .412 1R
6. Ibanez, R. (L) RF 4(+1)e6 .280 .355 .436 E
7. Belliard, R. (R) 2B 2e15 .284 .325 .450 E
8. Wilkerson, B. (L) 1B 2e8 .248 .351 .405 3L
9. Sanchez, F. (R) 3B 2e12 .291 .336 .400 2L

This is against RHP using the lineup theory to put your best three hitters first , second, and fourth and your fouth or fifth third in the lineup. (With first and second having hopefully the highest amount of walks and OBP of the bunch.) Against LHP, Estrada is out and my other C is at the bottom of the lineup and everybody moves up one. Utley of course can play 1b and 2b and Ibanez play all the OF positions. The choice is who is the least detrimental playing defense and I chose Ibanez in RF. Wilkerson can also play all the OF positions especially CF with a better arm than Taguchi but with a few more errors. Playing Tag in CF and Wilk at 1B gives my team the better defensive lineup.

Opinions? Does this team have what it takes to get in the playoffs and win? 8)
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Postby ArtemusRex » Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:53 pm

I forgot to mention about pitching.

I'm going to run a 5 man staff including Benoit and the other 4*'s. Paplebon is a situational R against lefties. Gordon and Farnsworth proves themselves to be a pretty good one-two punch as setup and closer in my first 2006 and will be set as my lefty and right setup men for this year. Roberto Hernandez will pick up the slack and Billy Wagner is being brought in as an experiment at closer. If Wagner doesnt work out, I will use the money from his contract for offensive help at midseason.
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Postby ArtemusRex » Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:57 pm

For full disclosure, there teams in my division running teams from Camden Yards, Dodger Stadium, and "Detroit-Tigers" running a team from US Cellular. The other two look to be rookies.
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Postby visick » Fri Jun 30, 2006 5:07 pm

I see a number of things that I would do differently with this team.

I would DH Ibanez, put Utley @ 1B and use Wilkerson in LF or CF with Taguchi in left.

I think you have vastly over spent on the pitching and under spent on the hitting. You're in a hitting park. Mash the ball. Your HR threats are from Utley and Floyd. That's really it.

I like Jeter leading off vs. RH's. He's got 49.2 OB chances that way. He's also got 45 TB chances vs. LH's , so I'd bat him 6th or 7th that way. \\

Utley is a middle of the order guy, especially on this team.

Estrada is no # 3 hitter.

Rolen is an injury waitin' to happen.

Wagner ALWAYS works out @ closer. Have in setup AND close both ways and lights out...I mean...Enter the Sandman.
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Postby ArtemusRex » Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:40 am

Fair enough on the pitching. I've always been a pitching heavy guy esp when I play 2001. I actually started with less in pitching until I picked up Wagner. I could drop Farnsworth and pick up a cheaper releiver like David Weathers. I hesitate to release Benoit since I have uncertainty on half my *SP. I know Benoit is lights out and I know I want him as a starter or long relief.

Your moving of Ibanez, Utley, Wilkerson and Taguci is another option that I was planning on using as well except that Floyd is a LF only and Tag would be used in RF under your plan.

You are right of course about Estada except that he is like 4or5R and I only use him against RHP. Even so, if I do drop some money from pitching I could use it to upgrade somewhere to get someone else with .800 OPS or higher.

Rolen is only a backup and Sanchez went all but 3 games as my 3B in my other league so his propencity for injury shouldn't be a problem.

Anybody else. JKolak? ArrylT? Cummins? Any input is appreciated from anyone. You know I am such a Defense guy that its hard for me to put someone not capable in at a position. Maybe a 4 with less than 4 errors at LF or RF. I don't even like putting a 3E5 at 2B or SS even in a HR park which is why I went out for Jeter in the first place. Good thing I did as he is probably my #3 best hitter. I know I probably need professional help. Talk me down if you feel I need it but if you like any of my let me know as well.

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Changes for those interested

Postby ArtemusRex » Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:22 am

# Name (Bats) Pos Def BA OBP SLG Bal
1. Jeter, D. (R) SS 2e16 .309 .389 .450 2L
2. Utley, C. (L) 1B 3e26 .291 .376 .540 3R
3. Lane, J. (R) RF 2(-2)e7 .267 .316 .499 3R
4. Floyd, C. (L) LF 3(-1)e2 .273 .358 .505 2R
5. Belliard, R. (R) 2B 2e15 .284 .325 .450 E
6. Ibanez, R. (L) DH - .280 .355 .436 E
7. Sanchez, F. (R) 3B 2e12 .291 .336 .400 2L
8. Wilkerson, B. (L) CF 2(-2)e7 .248 .351 .405 3L
9. Estrada, J. (S) C 4(+1)e1 .261 .303 .367 4R

Okay I made some changes. Dropped Farnsworth for Weathers and put the money into the hitters/defense. Dropped Rolen and picked up Tomas Perez for a song since he can backup 1b/3b/ss and was able to drop other backup SS and was able to put excess salary to use with excess of the pitching move to pick up Jason Lane as RF starter which allowed me to move Taguchi into a reserve role and Wilkerson to CF. Doing this I was able to move Utley to 1B (a necessary defensive backstep at a position that can take such a move) and move Ibanez to DH (which more than makes up for Utley at 1B).

Lots more flexibility in this lineup and an added boost with Lane in RF who is a more solid #3 guy than anyone else who could have filled the roll before.
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