Scabs league----All players under 2 mil

Postby fowldawg » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:03 pm

1. Chocolates--Edgar Renteria
2. Terry101 --- Bernie Castro
3. Ehlekev --- Alex Gonzalez (Fla.)
4.litangel - Pete Walker
5. BoDean-Willie mo Pena (By Proxie)
6. LMBombers--Marco Scutaro
7. quirks --Jeremy Reed (By Proxie)
8. djl3737--Mike Timlin
9. Pelzer --Brandon Inge
10. fowldawg - Eddie Guardado
11. milezd
12. DocTax
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:19 pm

Kim, I can't tell what you are proposing from your post. You say the draft is taking too long. You also say you don't want to speed it up. You also say if the draft isn't finished by Friday you are abandoning the league alltogether.

Why don't we just scrap the live draft idea, keep the stadiums we drafted and just start over using an AD. Maybe we could keep our first two round players or just say all players are fair game again.

Apparently most of the people in the league don't have time for a live draft it seems and if we do nothing litangel will leave the other 11 of us high and dry before it is done.


Pelzer, It is your league so it is your call.
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Postby fowldawg » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:26 pm

If we are stopping to autodraft I propose we get through round 4 first (ensuring equality at each draft position), then fill out our auto-draft cards (with live draft selections at the bottom of the list)

PS I wouldnt have expected things to move faster on a holiday weekend... I've done many of these on the boards and usually the draft comes to a hault on the weekend without a holiday
Last edited by fowldawg on Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:27 pm

OK, I'm for that. Lets hear it from Pelzer before we go with it though.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:36 pm

I really like live drafts. Randy (LMBombers) and I had participated on the Penngray drafting site last week for a draft. It was awesome. Anyone can go in and load their own proxies if they won't be around for awhile. Everyone can go in and key in their pick within a length of time or the system will automatically pull the next proxy pick for that person.
It's pretty slick.
I like all the guys in this league, but since it is a holiday weekend, guys may be out and around and understandably things are a little sluggish. I am proposing "patience" for 12 rounds (what's the big rush anyway?). However, I will be OK if we cut it at 4 rounds and autodraft the rest of that is what you guys would like to do.

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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:38 pm

I am for anything that will get this league going. The round 4 thing would be good if we could it done fairly quickly as to allow the rest ad.

But, I am there any which way we go.

I agree with Randy to allow Pelzer to make the decision since he started it.
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:42 pm


I really enjoy live drafts too and would love to continue this one however long it takes. However litangel will leave us one owner short if our league is not loaded by Friday. We will all be in a pickle if that happens. Therefore I don't think we have much choice. :(

If we just see how it goes and hope it speeds up for a day or two and then decide we will never make it it could be too late to do anything about it.

Personally I think if we decide right now to stop the live draft, fill out AD cards and load by division into the league it could take the rest of the week before everyone can get loaded.

If anyone has any ideas speak up now.

Last edited by LMBombers on Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LARRYLANG » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:42 pm

Good luck to all and hope you get who you want....To the new guys-just be patient and wait for your pick to come up...Drafting will take a few days with 12 rounds of picks and guys schedules and such so just hang in there...Our goal is to have everyone entered by friday so we can go the following monday..Happy drafting

litangel---this was my post to you at the beginning of the draft...I know this is all new for you and you may not have know what you were getting into...The rest of us have been doing this awhile and we knew it would take awhile...Thus the above message.......We would love to keep you in the league it is always nice getting new people started---Actually with the Holiday weekend taken into consideration we have not done that here is my decision and I need to know if you are staying in the league or not one way or the other to give us time to replace you....

The draft continues at the current pace (Without time limit) as we originally set up....but we will only draft 8 rounds or until noon on thursday whichever comes which time we can go ahead and start entering our teams..

I do hope you stay with us you'll see this is a great bunch of guys. :D

I would also encourage evryone to send proxies if at all possible for the flow of the draft.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:44 pm

By the way, Doctor Tax has gone ahead and given me his next two picks coming up because he hurt my feelings during the whole "draft ehlekev as target practice" fiasco. :shock:
I find this to be a very classy move and shows great sportsmanship. :wink:

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Postby fowldawg » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:45 pm

1. Chocolates--Edgar Renteria
2. Terry101 --- Bernie Castro
3. Ehlekev --- Alex Gonzalez (Fla.)
4.litangel - Pete Walker
5. BoDean-Willie mo Pena (By Proxie)
6. LMBombers--Marco Scutaro
7. quirks --Jeremy Reed (By Proxie)
8. djl3737--Mike Timlin
9. Pelzer --Brandon Inge
10. fowldawg - Eddie Guardado
11. milezd
12. DocTax
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