by KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:17 pm
[quote:533d95c005="doctor_tax1"][quote:533d95c005="ehlekev"]By the way, Doctor Tax has gone ahead and given me his next two picks coming up because he hurt my feelings during the whole "draft ehlekev as target practice" fiasco. :shock:
I find this to be a very classy move and shows great sportsmanship. :wink:
If I give you my picks, Probably will not matter :shock:
But, just the same, would like to dig my own grave.
Also, I strategy question for another league... who would play Ortiz at first in a no DH league with his 5/30 rating. can I get some feedback. Randy said he would and the HR is a 10.
LEt mw know if you would.[/quote:533d95c005]
[b:533d95c005]I would play Ortiz at first with his crappy rating only if it's in a hitter park and the other managers promise that their players wouldn't hit it to first. :? :?