Scabs league----All players under 2 mil

Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:46 pm

Pelzer, What happens at noon Thursday if we are in the middle of a round? What if we are in the middle of an odd numbered round?
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:56 pm

[quote:3f9ab8106a="ehlekev"]By the way, Doctor Tax has gone ahead and given me his next two picks coming up because he hurt my feelings during the whole "draft ehlekev as target practice" fiasco. :shock:
I find this to be a very classy move and shows great sportsmanship. :wink:


If I give you my picks, Probably will not matter :shock:

But, just the same, would like to dig my own grave.

Also, I strategy question for another league... who would play Ortiz at first in a no DH league with his 5/30 rating. can I get some feedback. Randy said he would and the HR is a 10.

LEt mw know if you would.
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Postby LARRYLANG » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:59 pm

I actually think we'll complete 8 rds...but if we don't at noonEST thur any unfinished round is wiped away and those players are put back in the pool for autodraft.
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milzed is up

Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:12 pm

That works for me. Lets keep this live draft going! :D

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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:17 pm

[quote:533d95c005="doctor_tax1"][quote:533d95c005="ehlekev"]By the way, Doctor Tax has gone ahead and given me his next two picks coming up because he hurt my feelings during the whole "draft ehlekev as target practice" fiasco. :shock:
I find this to be a very classy move and shows great sportsmanship. :wink:


If I give you my picks, Probably will not matter :shock:

But, just the same, would like to dig my own grave.

Also, I strategy question for another league... who would play Ortiz at first in a no DH league with his 5/30 rating. can I get some feedback. Randy said he would and the HR is a 10.

LEt mw know if you would.[/quote:533d95c005]

[b:533d95c005]I would play Ortiz at first with his crappy rating only if it's in a hitter park and the other managers promise that their players wouldn't hit it to first. :? :?

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Postby fowldawg » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:34 pm

milezd posted this morning that he would not be checking again for 8 hours... it's been about 8 hours so hopefully he will pick again soon

milezd... leave me a proxy for your next pick if you wont be sticking around for it please
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Let's Go! Thursday Ho!

Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:40 pm

Thanks for your understanding Pelzer. This does seem like a great bunch of guys, and a neat concept. I will stay in the league, the 8 rounds or Thursday sounds great to me.
I did not know what I was getting into with a live draft. I was thinking quick picks and 2 days max. The other site you are mentioning sounds better to me. But for now, let's go with what we've got!

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Postby milezd » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:57 pm

I will be a little more reliable the rest of today and tomorrow

1. Chocolates - CF- Willy Taveras
2. Terry101 - SS- Jose Reyes
3. Ehlekev - Niefi Perez (via proxy)
4.litangel -Damian Jackson
5. BoDean - Nate Robertson (via proxy)
6. LMBombers - Cory Sullivan
7. quirks - Jose Castillo
8. djl3737 - kerry wood
9. Pelzer - Juan Pierre
10. fowldawg - Jason Johnson
11. milezd - LF - Garret Anderson
12. DocTax - Jorge Sosa

13. DocTax - Minute Maid - Joe Crede
14. milezd - Mike Hampton - PETCO (proxy)
15. fowldawg - Kris Benson - Kaufman
16. Pelzer - Jeremy Burnitz - Bank One
17. djl3737 - carl everitt- mcafee
18. quirks - Lew Ford - Fenway (proxy)
19. LMBombers - Aubrey Huff - Great American (seems right for July 4)
20. BoDean - Aaron Cook - SBC Park
21. litangel - Travis Lee - Metrodome
22. Ehlekev - Brian Schneider - Yankee Stadium
23. Terry101 - Gary Matthews & Dodger Stadium
24. Chocolates--Jason Marquis--Jacobs Field

1. Chocolates--Edgar Renteria
2. Terry101 --- Bernie Castro
3. Ehlekev --- Alex Gonzalez (Fla.)
4.litangel - Pete Walker
5. BoDean-Willie mo Pena (By Proxie)
6. LMBombers--Marco Scutaro
7. quirks --Jeremy Reed (By Proxie)
8. djl3737--Mike Timlin
9. Pelzer --Brandon Inge
10. fowldawg - Eddie Guardado
11. milezd - denny hocking
12. DocTax
Last edited by milezd on Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:00 pm

milzed, I see DocTax is monitoring the post right now. Stick around for a few minutes and you can make your 4th round pick too!

OK, he was here but now he is kaput. (Is that German?)

If you decide he isn't going to pick please PM me with your 4th round proxy pick. Thanks
Last edited by LMBombers on Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby milezd » Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:04 pm

[quote:5ca93cb335="LMBombers"]milzed, I see DocTax is monitoring the post right now. Stick around for a few minutes and you can make your 4th round pick too![/quote:5ca93cb335]

will do

I will send you a few proxy picks
Last edited by milezd on Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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