Ok Pelzer made his decision. Just to be clear. are the following points correct?
1. End at noon on Thursday.
2. Must complete an even number of rounds.(are we reverting back to the even number of rounds, like in a rainout? ) For example, middle of 6th or 7th round- noon curfew hits- we revert to the complete six rounds?
Or, do we go until an even number of rounds happens, like in this case the next complete even rounds even if it is past noon on Thurs.?
3. Once we are ready to enter, are we going to enter by division? Or, are we going to enter by whenever ready?
Last edited by Terry101 on Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I first put Guardado as Pelzer's pick but I realized that he was taken in the last round. The next one down on his proxy is Snow so I corrected his pick.
Last edited by LMBombers on Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.