by Minoso Express » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:09 pm
Hi, Wade. I am no Fenway expert, and certainly not a Strat expert, so please bear that in mind. But a couple of things seem to jump out at me from looking at your roster. Yours is an especially slow team, which I guess can be fine in certain circumstances if you are putting together a monster bomber team, but in Fenway I would have thought a certain consistency of speed would go a long way. Sizemore, Freel and to a lesser extent Tejada are your only every day players with any zip and it looks like you're going to platoon Freel? If it is at all possible (I don't seem able to call up your free agent list, so can't say who's out there), I would try to assemble a bunch of guys who mostly have speed ratings of no less than 1-14. Having a slower catcher is fine-- not a lot of speed at that position!
A number of your players carry a 15-game injury risk. Not a good idea when you don't have really sharp backups. I agree with all who suggested to drop Drew-- not a great fit for your park and that injury risk seems too great.
The OF defense worries me a little, especially as Drew gets hurt so much, but maybe it doesn't matter too much in Fenway? I usually try to get guys with no worse than 2 ratings, with their range factor being the most important consideration, especially in RF and CF.
Your overall OBP seems low to me for Fenway. That, combined with the lack of speed, might result in a long season. And maybe not. Strange things happen in Strat!
I think Sizemore is a keeper, no matter what, given your team's current makeup, as are Freel (suspect glove at 2B notwithstanding) and Tejada. Though watch Tejada against lefties. For me, he's been very inconsistent against them.
I have a hunch a couple of your starters are going to get touched for beaucoup de homers v. righties at Fenway. Zambrano is a significant culprit in that regard, but be patient and don't start dropping players-- especially pricey players-- once the season begins. Try trading guys like Zambrano first if they are not performing up to expectations.
Good luck and hope you stick around for more Strat seasons.