Scabs league----All players under 2 mil

Postby fowldawg » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:04 pm

1. Chocolates-- Ted Lilly
2. Terry101 - Jim Thome
3. Ehlekev - Jake Westbrook (proxy)
4.litangel --Jason Werth (Proxy)
5. BoDean - Nick Green
6. LMBombers - Wade Miller
7. quirks - Brett Tomko
8. djl3737 - Willie Harris (proxy)
9. Pelzer - Craig Biggio (proxy)
10. fowldawg - David Wells
11. milezd
12. DocTax
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Postby LMBombers » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:38 pm

I see that there are 4 or 5 people browsing the online forum and all are people in this draft. Too bad one of them is not milezd. :( I could pick the next guy on his proxy list but I don't really know if that list was meant for 1 round or 2 rounds only or till there were no more names left. I think it is fair to let milezd regroup and decide what to do next. He last checked in 11 hours ago, I am sure he will be back again soon.
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:40 pm

Sounds fair to me.
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:54 pm

anyone have the website to check on FAs and Div mates from other leagues?
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:57 pm

If milezd's picks are at different positions thatn his other proxies, I'd go ahead and make them, if they were at the same position as his earlyer proxies, I'd wait, at least that is what I'd want in his position.
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Postby LARRYLANG » Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:01 pm

Hey you guys--if anyone wants to try something a little different---We need 3 in fanta sim lg--5721...On the fanta-sim board....Combination of strat and roto 5 x 5...Should be fun and it is cheaper at 14.95....Come on and join me.. :D
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Postby LMBombers » Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:04 pm

The next name on milezd's proxy list is for a different position and a position that he hasn't filled yet. litangel reccomends that we use it. If I hear a 3rd that we are doing the right thing for milezd then I'll use it.

As a review, he sent me a list called proxy list but gave no other instructions. The top 2 choices were SS and 2B. The next name on the list is still available and is for a position that he doesn't have.

Do we wait or go ahead?
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:09 pm

well, i'll change my vote and say yea, go ahead. the good thing, its not like he's going to miss out on a value player, we are all getting $hit from here...
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Here it is then

Postby LMBombers » Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:11 pm

1. Chocolates-- Ted Lilly
2. Terry101 - Jim Thome
3. Ehlekev - Jake Westbrook (proxy)
4.litangel --Jason Werth (Proxy)
5. BoDean - Nick Green
6. LMBombers - Wade Miller
7. quirks - Brett Tomko
8. djl3737 - Willie Harris (proxy)
9. Pelzer - Craig Biggio (proxy)
10. fowldawg - David Wells
11. milezd - Armando Benitez (proxy)
12. DocTax

the next name on the list is also a different position so I'll use that one too if I haven't heard from him.
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:29 pm

1. Chocolates-- Ted Lilly
2. Terry101 - Jim Thome
3. Ehlekev - Jake Westbrook (proxy)
4.litangel --Jason Werth (Proxy)
5. BoDean - Nick Green
6. LMBombers - Wade Miller
7. quirks - Brett Tomko
8. djl3737 - Willie Harris (proxy)
9. Pelzer - Craig Biggio (proxy)
10. fowldawg - David Wells
11. milezd - Armando Benitez (proxy)
12. DocTax - Michael Cuddyer


1. Doc Tax - Antonio Perez
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