by BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:30 pm
Personally I see both sides to this,
You need a bit of both really. You don't want to take away your advantage at Coors, yet you don't want to handicap yourself away from home.
Nat'l homers cost more....Jones, Pujols ect, (9m and 11m)
You can get 2 or 3 hitters with good OBP and BPHR for the Cost of a Jones.
IE.....Murton, Gibbons, Kent....(13.92 mil) between the three, they will hit more homers than one of the others.
On one Coors team between the three they Hit 100 hr's.
Vs. A. Jones who has hit 37 half way through the season.
I guess it depends on the make up of that specific team, but to get the most for your money I think a balance of Nat'l homers and BP homers along with good obp and ave will do the trick.
The reason of the Post in the beginning was that I feared I had put too much emphasis on obp and not enough on Homers.
After the draft, the only change from the line-up above is that I got Gomes instead of Abreau. It is a decent line-up, but will have to Dump Gomes to shore up some pitching problems, and pick up a cheaper RF.
Gibbons will most likely be the person. Again giving up Nat'l homers for BPHR, but not really a bad trade off if he hits over 40 hr's.
Just my opinion.