by kimkrichbaum2 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:15 pm
As for my team name, I get bored with the Sluggers and Hitmen, and tend to choose team names that are wierd and/or non-macho as possible. My other 2 teams are the Kealakakua Love Bunnies (Kealakakua is a town I've visited in Hawaii.) and the Sunnydale Buffies (Sunnydale is Buffy the Vampire Slayer's home town.) The Buffies, true to their namesake, are kicking a**! "Hey, Hey We're the Monkees" is the beginning of the theme song from the Monkees TV show. And what can I say, I just wanted a wierd team name, especially for this bunch of Misfits. The other two names I considered were, "The Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Weenies" or the "Scrub-Atomic Particles".