by MARCPELLETIER » Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:36 pm
Great team. I don't like Berkman playing the rf so much, but considering that Thomas will miss 50 games or so, and Clark will miss 20 games or so, you can consider that Berkman will play only 90 games in rf. For this reason, though, you absolutely need a back-up right-fielder that can play the field well (and who could replace Berkman late in the game). Everett and Thames are two pinch-hitters. Keep one, and release the other for a better rf-back-up.
Also, you have to find a better infield bench than Matsui on the bench. Tejada is a non-injury figure, so you only need a 2b-3b back-up. Hudson will miss 20 games about, ARamirez 30 games, so your back-up will start about 50 games. It needs to be better than Matsui who can only play 2b (and badly).
Once your bench is set, your most important goal will be to set the relief appropriately.