New team evaluation and advise

Postby RAULSILVA » Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:43 pm

I got 2 cheap ionfielder with god def ratings so wen the regular guy´s take vacations there will be someone in there places, Now to set the relieve any clue??

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Postby geekor » Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:12 pm

[quote:8006a96ae8="rgimbel"]1. you need a closer heilman should be your set up man[/quote:8006a96ae8]

wrong wrong wrong.

I have, and many others have, been using Heilman as setup AND closer very successfully all season. Set him as both, avoid before 7th inning, and slow hook, avoid using in blowouts. He should rack up 150-200 innings that way.

I really don't like Garcia, I've tried him in Petco and McAfee (2 parks that he "should" do well in) and he has gotten bombed. I have only seen 1 good season from him in any of my leagues. I'd lower Thomson (5 BP Hr's vs lefties!!) down and see if you could upgrade Garcia to a SP with less BP Hr's.
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Postby RAULSILVA » Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:40 pm

The relif seems better now!! (i think).

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Postby fred_1_15301 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:20 pm

I agree with earlier poster--get rid of matsui and find a better defensive guy at 2b when Hudson gets hurt. Also, I'd drop Everett and Patterson and get a 1 mil sub outfielder. You probably want a guy who is solid defensively and can play both rf and cf (for when Edmonds gets hurt and to replace Berkman in late inning situations). Someone like Dustan Mohr or Endy Chavez may be good.
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Postby RAULSILVA » Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:26 pm

I can´t do that, need to have 24 player ay least. Can drop Matzui and get another 2b but it will be an 500$ one.
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Postby RAULSILVA » Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:46 pm

I drop thomas and get lane, hje can play all the of he will be the rf, and Berk the dh, plus he can play in any of in case Edmonds get hurt. I like the bphrm Thomas have but i think lane is a decent bat either. Wath you think guys?

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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:58 pm

Personally, I don't like the Thomas for Lane move, but I have to acknowledge that your roster will be much easier to handle with Lane.

It all depends on what you want:

do you prefer an easy life/okay results (with Lane)

or do you prefer a challenging job for you as a coach/ and uncertain results (with Thomas).
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Postby fred_1_15301 » Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:03 am

I agree that dropping Thomas for Lane straight up was not a good idea. I was hoping you would drop Patterson or Everett for a cheap guy who could play the outfield (RF/CF) well. Then I thought you play Thames as DH and upgrade the money from Thomas to a strong middle reliever or starter. Anyway to get Thames back?
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Postby RAULSILVA » Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:16 am

Marcus i think in this case i prefer the easy choice, is my first 2006 team, and my 2 team at all. So the thomas option may be a little complicated, there´s many things i don´t understand of game yet, and complicate myself on pourpuse may not be wise. Fred, i can´t gat thames back, so i have to keep lane, thanks everybudy for the help and for reading my bad english, i´m drafting a new team so i will be bottering soon. Two newbe quetions:

1) Wath is the cluch factor??
2) Who i know my rp´s are tired?

And if it´s not too much please any sugention for the line up?
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Postby fred_1_15301 » Sat Jul 08, 2006 6:45 pm

Hey rao. Good luck with your season. I think you've assembled a pretty solid team. Clutch rating is how a hitter will do with a runner(s) in scoring position (2nd base or 3rd base) and 2 outs. If you see a horseshoe next to a hit, that is bad clutch and the batter will be out in this situation resulting in the end of the inning. If you see a horseshoe next to a hit, that is good clutch and the batter will end up with a single ** and drive in the runner. Generally, you want your # 5 and # 6 hitters to have either no clutch or good clutch. I'm not comfortable enough on your relievers question to answer it. I know it has to do with the number of consecutive games that they pitch. However, I don't think stratomatic will let you know when/if your relievers are tired.
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