I made alot of mistakes with my first team. Yet despite the fact they have a league low -70 run differential, they are tied for first place, through luck, a weak division, and Mariano Rivera.
One of the problems this team has, is non-fit with it's division and league. I drafted an MM team, with Carpenter plus 3 cheaper RHers who are tough on righties. I made the mistake of also having my set up men be tough on righties. I am in a lefty dominant division and league (only one other RH park in whole league (camden) and lots of lefties. My two close competitors are both loaded with lefties and swich hitters. So my right handed set up guys, Hermanson and Rodney, have gotten pasted! hermanson's ERA over 5, and Rodney's over 7. I am thinking of offering another owner (out of division) a hermanson for Ohman trade, but I am hesitant to trade as quality a player as Hermanson. What do you think? Here is a Link to me team: