by BC Manager » Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:26 pm
Here's where I'm at with this concept, so far:
- owners will do a snake draft; first round will take primary team that you will keep for the decade; second round will take a secondary team that you may keep for just one year
- we will use the seasons 1981 thru 1989. Not sure if 1990 will work.
- players who played in real life for your teams for the particular will be eligible to be on your roster. Those you don't put on your roster will still be your property and can be called up or traded throughout the season.
- players who played for more than one team during the particular year can be obtained by anyone who has the teams the guy played for. This will involve competing for these players in the autodraft, waiver draft or thoughout the season. If one team drops one of these players at any time, another team with claims on his rights can pick him up.
- players who played for an undrafted team for that particular year, can be used by anyone in the league. They are free agents.
- $100 million salary cap -- I just don't want teams to have to leave good players off their teams to resolve cap issues. If you have a powerhouse team with a total salary of $99 million, so be it.
- maximum of 25 players on the roster. I don't want any team to take advantage of the cap by stacking their teams with 28 front-line players. I'd even consider making it a limit of 24 players.
- players traded remain the property of the team receiving them for as long as the original team owned their rights. Players traded from secondary teams only remain the property of the receiving team until the end of the season. If a player traded has shared ownership in a later season, the team that didn't trade him can still compete for him that year. That is, if I acquire someone who belonged to the Yankees for 5 years, but also belonged to Oakland in the fifth year, I run the risk of losing him to the team that owns Oakland that year.
- any team can opt to keep their secondary team for an additional season. This will be declared prior to the off-season team draft. Owners will have to declare whether they're keeping the 2ndary team in order of finish, prior to the team draft. The team draft will be in reverse order of finish.
- teams cannot change their primary teams, during the decade. So draft wisely. Too many issue with trades if we allowed changes.
- DH league
- Ballparks can be from either your primary or secondary team. I like some flexibility. I also like the added strategy decision of whether to draft a secondary team to get use of their stadium (can anyone imagine "Sykes -- San Diego Padres"?)
- Divisions -- Using Real Life divisions, teams will fill up the East and West respectively in the order they are drafted. Remaining teams will be Central division. So for example, in a mock draft:
1. Milwaukee - EAST
2. NY Yankees - EAST
3. Detroit Tigers - EAST
4. LA Dodgers - WEST
5. St. Louis - EAST
6. Milwaukee - CENTRAL (because the E is full)
7. California - WEST
9. Atlanta - CENTRAL
10. Houston - WEST
11. Oakland - WEST
12. Toronto - CENTRAL
I suppose we could have the problem that 8 east teams are drafted prior to 4 west teams being picked. I guess the 9th east team would go into the West. OK , this idea needs some work. Suggestions?
I think that about covers it. If you want to propose alternatives to any of the above ideas, speak now. I will post the official rules in the next couple of days.