Balance at Coors

Balance at Coors

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:54 pm

I have been tinkering with several Coors teams and all have had very good success.

My question is this:

How much should obp vs bphr matter?

I am pre-draft with a team and now wondering if I went too far with guys getting on base and not enough on bphr.

I am trying to draft:

Polanco 3b
Clark 1b
F. Thomas DH

I am wondering if I have gone too far in the obp department and not enough on the HR dept.

Any thoughts would be appreciated

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Postby Free Radicals » Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:33 am

Your lacking the bonified big stick ( Ortiz, Sheffield, Degado type ) but the guys you have will do just fine @ Coors in the hr department IMO. :D
Free Radicals
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Postby 1crazycanuk » Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:05 am

Hey, I guess it wouldn't matter if you have more OBP than #HRs. Maybe you should focus more on natural homeruns in case you have a lot of pitcher's parks in your league.

IMO try to get Craig Wilson. He was very good for me in Coors. Good luck.
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Postby NFLed1 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:54 pm

Ballpark homers are very important for any hitter in a homerun type park such as Coors. If you get a player without much of it then you are very much wasting the opportunity unless there truly isn't a player available with decent ballpark homer at that position (which happens sometimes). For Coors it's also important to avoid those few hitters without ballpark single such as Dunn since they won't be taking advantage of that opportunity for good hit chances.
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Postby 1crazycanuk » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:11 pm

[quote:06dad5ac95="nfled"]Ballpark homers are very important for any hitter in a homerun type park such as Coors. If you get a player without much of it then you are very much wasting the opportunity unless there truly isn't a player available with decent ballpark homer at that position (which happens sometimes). For Coors it's also important to avoid those few hitters without ballpark single such as Dunn since they won't be taking advantage of that opportunity for good hit chances.[/quote:06dad5ac95]

I guess I just don't see why they're more important than natural homeruns. Natural homeruns will help on the road in pitcher's parks as well as in Coors. Whereas guys with more #HRs may likely be a liability in road games.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:30 pm

Personally I see both sides to this,

You need a bit of both really. You don't want to take away your advantage at Coors, yet you don't want to handicap yourself away from home.
Nat'l homers cost more....Jones, Pujols ect, (9m and 11m)
You can get 2 or 3 hitters with good OBP and BPHR for the Cost of a Jones.
IE.....Murton, Gibbons, Kent....(13.92 mil) between the three, they will hit more homers than one of the others.

On one Coors team between the three they Hit 100 hr's.
Vs. A. Jones who has hit 37 half way through the season.

I guess it depends on the make up of that specific team, but to get the most for your money I think a balance of Nat'l homers and BP homers along with good obp and ave will do the trick.

The reason of the Post in the beginning was that I feared I had put too much emphasis on obp and not enough on Homers.

After the draft, the only change from the line-up above is that I got Gomes instead of Abreau. It is a decent line-up, but will have to Dump Gomes to shore up some pitching problems, and pick up a cheaper RF.

Gibbons will most likely be the person. Again giving up Nat'l homers for BPHR, but not really a bad trade off if he hits over 40 hr's.

Just my opinion.
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Postby NFLed1 » Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:26 pm

[quote:a40ad32833="1crazycanuk"][quote:a40ad32833="nfled"]Ballpark homers are very important for any hitter in a homerun type park such as Coors. If you get a player without much of it then you are very much wasting the opportunity unless there truly isn't a player available with decent ballpark homer at that position (which happens sometimes). For Coors it's also important to avoid those few hitters without ballpark single such as Dunn since they won't be taking advantage of that opportunity for good hit chances.[/quote:a40ad32833]

I guess I just don't see why they're more important than natural homeruns. Natural homeruns will help on the road in pitcher's parks as well as in Coors. Whereas guys with more #HRs may likely be a liability in road games.[/quote:a40ad32833]

That's a good question.

If a guy has a natural homer on a roll of 5 then their price is reflective of that and you are paying for that homer roll regardless of what park you are in. If a guy has a ballpark homer chance on a roll of 5 then you are paying for that to be around 40-50% of that being a homer so you are paying much less for it -- in other words, his salary is less for that being a ballpark homer than a natural homer. However, in homerun parks such as Coors or especially US Cell that ballpark homer is worth much more than just the 40-50% price you are paying for it in salary so it makes financial sense to get as much ballpark homer as you can because you are only paying 40-50% of the price for it.

By contrast, if you are in a very low homerun park then that ballpark homer roll is worth much less than 40-50% of a homerun so you are wasting some of your money paying for that.

I agree that it would be cool to get as much natural homer and ballpark homer as you can but in a homer park you want to maximize your ballpark homer so that you can take full fiscal advantage of the salaries. Doing less than that either wastes some of your salary on paying for natural homers (when ballpark homers would do almost just as well for less than half of the price) or if you draft low-homer batters altogether then that's just a waste unless you have no alternative.
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