what's wrong with my team-trying to learn!

Postby Stoney18 » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:10 pm

I agree with Geekor that you are overpitching Heilman and he is often fatigued which is why he's getting rocked sometime.

Regarding Mulholland. For Hal to effective limit his appearances against righties you need to have more options in your bullpen. This is even more emphasised in a hitters park.

I would try Geekors suggestion and have Heilman as setup and Lidge as closer and see what results you get.
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Postby sleepdok » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:37 pm

Don't think I agree with Geekor. I am facing many RHP's in my division, and my DH is Griffey. If Gomes was a S or LH batter I would agree. Unless he means I start Gomes in the OF? Then my already weak pitching staff is likely to get crushed. Gibbons instead of Giule is intriguing, tho a fielding downgrade as he said. I already had heilman set as closer and Lidge as save guy, both way, though I did have SP 3-5 on quick hook.
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Postby sleepdok » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:38 pm

I meant to say Heilman as set up and lidge as closer
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Postby sleepdok » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:52 pm

I know after free agency starts it is best to stay out, but what about dropping Dunn for Kotchman/Hernandez. Get better fielding , slightly more power vs. LHP which is imp in my league (and slightly less vs RHP) the negative being a slightly better chance of Kotchman getting inujured.
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:56 pm

A couple more suggestions - your closer setting should be max. Heilman is getting save opportunities that perhaps HAL should be handing to Lidge.

If you have munter/mulholland on quick hook, you may have to take that off if heilman continues to pitch fatigued. You can do a quick check on that by looking at his last ten appearances and seeing how often he appears in three straight games. More than two games in a row and he is pitching fatigued.

Your leadoff choices vs RHP is pretty thin, but I would go with damon over ford. His raw OBP is not quite as good, but he's left handed and can also take advantage of RH relief pitchers once the SP is out.
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Postby cummings2 » Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:20 pm

I would explore trade options for Dunn before a straight drop.

Also remember that of all defensive positions 1B is perhaps the most forgiving, in the sense that it is the one that comes up the least.

In re: to the errors and stuff like that i mentioned earlier, I think part of it has been some bad rolls, an error doesn't necessarily translate into unearned runs, so as Geekor pointed out some of it, I think, has been some unlucky rolls which should even out by season's end.

Pitching-wise, Stoney is right, usually with 6 arms in the pen HAL will be able to match better your specialists.

Also what Charlie just said: Try setting closer to Max. -in case it isn't yet.

Sometimes when fixing teams I just take one area at a time, meaning first I focus on Relief pitchers getting it right, then defense, then OBP, etc...If I make tons of changes at the same time I usually get lost. -Especially when I can't quite trace where the problem is with the team.

Geekor, Charlie, Stoney & Bunbury dropping by here...pretty snazzy array of consultants you have here...they all beat the katookies out me.
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Postby sleepdok » Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:39 pm

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Postby sleepdok » Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:53 pm

Put Lidge on maximize. Took pitchers 3-5 off slow hook. Heilman not pitching fatigued tho last 10 games, no 3 games in a row. just a flukey bad make that terrible start I guess.

If I move Damom up to leadoff vs RHP as suggested, who do i bat # 2? Damon seems like an ideal 2nd hitter because all his groundouts are GB B.

My current lineup vs RHP in non-# ballparks is as follows:

Lineup vs. RHP
# Name (Bats) Pos Def BA OBP SLG Bal
1. Ford, L. (R) LF 2(0)e11 .264 .338 .377 2R
2. Damon, J. (L) CF 2(+2)e7 .316 .366 .439 2L
3. Martinez, V. (S) C 3(+1)e1 .305 .378 .475 3R
4. Cabrera, M. (R) 3B 3e12 .323 .385 .561 1R
5. Griffey Jr., K. (L) DH - .301 .369 .576 1R
6. Tejada, M. (R) SS 2e23 .304 .349 .515 2R
7. Dunn, A. (L) 1B 3e23 .247 .387 .540 3R
8. Guiel, A. (L) RF 2(0)e6 .294 .355 .450 2R
9. Belliard, R. (R) 2B 2e15 .284 .325 .450 E

I would love any suggestions how to improve! MANY THANKS!
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Postby sleepdok » Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:54 pm

meant to say took pitchers 3-5 off quick hook.
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Postby geekor » Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:35 pm

I'd go vs R:

Ford, Dunn, Cabrera, Griffey, VMart, Tejeda, Guiel, Belliard, Damon

Still realistically, your leadoff, #2 hitters arent great, though vs righties Dunn should be your #2, decent OBP and pop, low dp's. Normally I'd say use Damon #1 too, but Ford's OBP is better, and it alternates the LR hitters better.

vs L you have a major lack of OBP at the top, and lots of Dp's throughout

Damon, Cabrera, Monroe, Griffey, Olivio, Tejeda, Belliard, Dunn, Guiel

[i:73b1bc8e58]About my pre season suggestions..... :

It would put Gibbons at 1b, Dye in Rf, Giffey in Cf and Gomes in LF with Garabito/Young platoon at DH leading off, Gomes #2, which would have been a much better 1/2 combo then you are using now, and Gibbons/Dye is a much better 6/7 (or 8) then Damon, Guiel or Ford. As I said though, the Def would take a big hit. Once again, just suggestions for any future teams.[/i:73b1bc8e58]
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