Who's Your Albatross?

Who's Your Albatross?

Postby Jeepdriver » Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:51 pm

Who is that player(s) that seems to ALWAYS perform well against you, yet when YOU have him he's a dud?
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Postby Jeepdriver » Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:56 pm

BTW, I'm talking about the '06 game in particular, but comments aren't exclusive to the '06 game if someone wants to share that's plays another game.

For me the pitcher that seems to always beat me is [b:84774a71d3]Doug Davis[/b:84774a71d3]. Yet, the couple of times I've had him he has an ERA of like 7.00 with an 2-10 record or something like that.

The hitter I'm thinking of is [b:84774a71d3]Pujols[/b:84774a71d3]. I can't get him to do well for me, but when the visiting team comes in with him, he goes off.

A lesser known guy is [b:84774a71d3]Delluchi[/b:84774a71d3]. He always seemed to have multiple homer games against me, so I put him on my team and he goes 0-4 every night.
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Postby cummings2 » Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:03 pm

Hitting: Pujols. Dude gives me .270 seasons in OK parks for him and kills me when he plays against me no matter where.

Pitching: Ryan Dempster. he's rapidly working up on my Wanted DoA list.
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Postby 1crazycanuk » Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:58 pm

Hoffman...by far.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:06 pm

This is a weird one,

I have several Coors teams and in 2 diff leagues one of my div rivals has owned Kerry Wood. He has crushed me. I was something like 1-6 against him and never had more than 6 hits against.

I don't even think he lost the one start, it was the relievers that did.

And most of the games were at Coors.

He dominated so much that my future Coors teams always drafted him so I wouldn't have to face him.

Probably more to do with my lineup than anything, but still made me think.
Almost cost me the division in one league.
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:40 pm

My albatross is any player that does bad for me but awesome for everyone else. :shock: Too many to name.
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Postby rgimbel » Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:34 am

hate the sob actually big fan of his in real life and loved his card in 05

for me
8-21 3.70 camden
17-18 3.50 petco on great def team

vs me
19-9 3.94 sbc on terrible team
23-9 2.50 safeco on champ team

beat me 3-2 in game two of finals
beat me 5-4 in 14 innings deciding game 6 of finals went 10 2/3 giving up 4 runs
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