*SP for coors

*SP for coors

Postby RAULSILVA » Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:54 pm

I need choose an * sp for my new team in coors, i have now prior but i think is to expensive to have him plus an 5 th starter, there is some pichers available: Towers, Josh , Lieber, Jon , Suppan, Jeff , Weaver, Jeff , Maddux, Greg any of this pichers will do a good job in coors?

Here is the link to the team, coments about line up, playes etc. Are welcome too


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Postby geekor » Sat Jul 15, 2006 7:00 pm

You want Oswalt, Lackey, Glavine, Byrd, maye Moyer or L Hernandez. The rest will get bombed even worse than these.
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Postby RAULSILVA » Sat Jul 15, 2006 7:27 pm

I have, Lakey and byrd already but rest of the option are already taken. I have bedard too, to be the 5 th in the rotation. So it will be (so far) Prior, Lackey, byrd, bedar and papelbon.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:05 pm

If you are using a 5 man rotation I would drop Prior and look for Seo or Small, both are 4 mil non* starter,

If a 4 man rotation, dump Prior and look for Burnett as a *sp 5m range
He has worked very well.

Aaron Harang also is a *sp while not awesome, will do ok (a few more homers against).

I definitely would dump Borowski (way too much)
Look for Flores .66 and 4L he did very well for me at Coors.

You are also gonna get killed on defense (should have at least 1 (2) at either short or 2b. U have 3's

Furcal and Kent were good for me as well.

Dump Giles in Right and pick up Gibbons about 5 mil less and will hit around 30-45 homers. (he has for me)

I assume Heilman is not available??????
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:09 pm

Giles is a w against left hand pitching and only has 2 BPHR on right side

Gibbons while not on base as much, has more power for the money.
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Postby RAULSILVA » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:38 pm

Ok i drop prior and get seo, drop borowski and get orvella (no bphr vs left), drop giles and upgrade ss with jeter furcal not available, and put j gillen en rf.

here is a link to the team, i´m not to happy with it yet.

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Postby RAULSILVA » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:42 pm

gibbons, flores, heilman, burnett, harang aaron, furcal, all are already taken.

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Jeter was available????

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:12 pm

That is unbelievable.

Ok, good start.

Now let's see what else we can do.

You really want to try to keep your pitching to about 27m - 30m, and spend the rest on reliable hitting.

You are better off spending less money on your relievers other than Linebrink and Duchsherer. Is he the only closer in that range avail ???

I have had good success with Toma Ohka as good 4L reliever but he is a bit pricey at 2.33, Chad Qualls also good but pricey.

I would pick up Vogelsong a 3 reliever for .61 for games that are blow outs. He gets knocked around some, but will give good innings to save some of your other relievers for other games. I check him as a MOP UP
This way he comes in when score either way is out of reach.

Is Matt Murton avail. He is a 4 in LF, but good OBP and decent BPHR for 4.40 mill. That would free up some more cash. Matsui is good, but not that good with BPHR.
Just get someone like Gabe Kapler as a back up late in games. He is a 2 and only like .68m.

RF and CF are more important defensively (in my opinion).
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:13 pm

Who are some of the big Free Agent names Avail. ????
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Postby RAULSILVA » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:45 pm

It shuld be a better way to do this but i don´t know how

Some hitters

Lee, Derrek
Roberts, Brian
Helton, Todd
Cabrera, Miguel
Giles, Brian
Giambi, Jason
Giles, Marcus
Howard, Ryan
Hall, Bill
Larue, Jason
Hunter, Torii
Randa, Joe
Michaels, Jason
Green, Shawn
Overbay, Lyle
Stairs, Matt
Rivera, Juan
Langerhans, Ryan
Kearns, Austin
Lopez, Felipe
Nixon, Trot
Hudson, Orlando
Cameron, Mike
Tyner, Jason
Palmeiro, Rafael
Lane, Jason
Castro, Ramon
Swisher, Nick
Roberts, Dave
Barrett, Michael
Thomas, Frank
Easley, Damion
Holliday, Matt
Francoeur, Jeff
Johnson, Nick
Winn, Randy
Polanco, Placdo
Shelton, Chris
Sweeney, Mike
Tracy, Chad
Wells, Vernon
Encarnacion, Juan
Alou, Moises
Belliard, Ronnie
Walker, Larry
Kotchman, Casey
Peralta, Jhonny
Johnson, Dan
Crosby, Bobby
Damon, Johnny
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