by CHRISTIANSTOUGH » Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:30 pm
Oh I think I'm backing it up quite nicely in several leagues with you. :)
And, obviously, you agree; Otherwise, why spend so much venom on me?
In fact, untill last nights debacle, I believe I was leading you in two of our three division match ups and one of our two league match ups.
I think EVERY newbie should talk smack. Your only new once, might as well pop off. Especially considering the glorious resonse it illicits.
Think about it, I've played this game since, what, March? So thats 4 months. I've have/had 26 teams in ATG. I never played the table top, don't have the CD or any other Strato- game. Heck, I didn't even play organized ball.
Then there's you. I think it's a safe guess that you've been playing strato for a few decades. Your have/had 300 teams. You've played the table top, you've got the CD ROM. Who knows on the organized ball.
Yet, here I be, locked in a death struggle in two of our three divisions. Thats got to be a little disconcerting. All that experience and the best you've got is a 1 game lead?
You should be trouncing me in every league and division we play in.
Even better, I'm esconsed in the thoughts and team manger names of one of the Strato-gods.
Don't get me wrong, you are indeed a mighty player and opponent. And you have been very gracious and helpful with advice,
but if you think I'm not going to talk smack because in one of our divisions your team is soaring while mine bottom feeds.... please, I think you know I'm gonna talk no matter.
Besides, I'd much rather win a close one; it' more excitng and heart breaking.
That should make it the sweeter for the one of us that takes it.