Gulf League NL ONLY chat thread

Postby TomSiebert » Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:42 pm

Considering I don't have a True Closer, I like hoping I can get Urbina.

Furthermore, has anybody notice Albatross kinda got screwed on the draft? Last pick outta twelve, last pick overall? That kinda sucks. As the new guy, I suggest we give HIM Urbina, if he wants him.

Meanwhile: I don't think we'll get in tonight; Mark is out on the town in Boston, don't think he'll finish his pix.

Tomorrow, it should happen.

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Postby SGTD » Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:21 pm

I lose all the time, I should get :lol: . SGT D
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Postby Al Hogg » Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:09 pm

Nobody's suggested this, so maybe there's some flaw to my thinking that I haven't figured out yet, but, given that we're autodrafting our 25th player anyway, why don't we just let people who want either VZambrano or Urbina pick them in the autodraft? If you want one of them, put him first on your list and let HAL decide who gets him.

If you want one of them and don't get them, well, that moves you up on the waiver wire, which might be a better outcome anyway.

This would put at some disadvantage those who would not have enough money for Urbina (I'll look at him as he is the most expensive). I think that would be Balmer Tom, Tater, Turtle, Terry and myself (Elko Al).

Perhaps we could say that people are not COMPELLED to put down their live draft choices and can reconfigure their lineups to allow for picking Urbina and/or VZambrano. They cannot choose anyone that any other team has picked in the live draft, however.

Obviously, if you've chosen someone in the live draft and don't put him down in the autodraft, then you are "throwing him back in the pot" for anyone to try to pick up during the waiver wire and free agent frenzy.
Last edited by Al Hogg on Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Al Hogg
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Reminder: I Can't Access Strat-o-Matic at Work

Postby Al Hogg » Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:14 pm

I don't want to hold things up tomorrow, but I wanted to remind everybody that I can't access the Strat-o-Matic site from work. If we finish, I'll sign up tomorrow evening. I am in the East.

If we all get in by Thursday, I believe we would still be set for a Monday start. (The autodraft would run Thursday night and the waiver wire would run Saturday at 5 p.m. Eastern, correct?)
Al Hogg
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A couple things

Postby calbatross » Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:33 pm

1. I really don't think Urbina or Zambrano will be the 'missing piece' of anyone's puzzle, the piece that puts anyone over the top, (hell, he lasted til the 22nd round before I tried to search for him) so I will go along with whatever the rest decide.

2. I will be leaving town tomorrow about 1:00 p.m. and am unsure about internet access thru Sunday...I could be intermittent. I'll try to check in somehow each day, check the boards, do whatever I need to do. So, if there is anything else I should be aware of going into the rest of the week, please post here.

Thanks!! Should be fun. -Cal
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Quick Question...

Postby Taters37295 » Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:16 am

Because I now know that there are only going to be 25 rounds and that this new development will force me to have one of the final few picks for stadiums, would I be able to drop Junior Spivey (who I just picked and really don't even want) and draft a stadium instead? I'm only asking because I thought there were 26 rounds and that I would be choosing stadiums on the way back in the serpentine draft.
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Postby rgimbel » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:19 am

Al's suggestion is an excellent one just make sure everone pickes a stadium in the last round than draft urbina or zam 1st if you want either one and let Hal decide. and as far as being short of cash I wish I was in your shoes I am going to have the first 60 million dollar team in an 80 milllion dollar league
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Couple suggestions

Postby TomSiebert » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:31 am

Since Al can't access at work and is in the first division, maybe we should invert the divisions? Make West the East, etc., so we can get the ball rolling earlier.

It doesn't really matter as long as teams stay with the same opponents, right?

I think autodrafting Urbina/Zambrano is fine, though it means I won't get either of them.

I'm gone this weekend, but I might be able to get to a computer by Saturday afternoon, I don't know. My tough luck; not like there's going to be a lot of talent available anyway, unless somebody drops a stud to pick up a few solid daytoday players.

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okay, let's knock this puppy out today

Postby MEAT » Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:38 am

first things first....reallign divisions so we can start loading...







ill set up and enter shortly
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Postby MEAT » Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:39 am

it'll be global league, password will be gore
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