Bing!!! (again!)
Yesssss. KD did it again!
Kevin Kline played Douglas Fairbanks.
If I recall correctly (I'll have to see the movie again) it is Fairbanks SR. However given the casting I am also starting to question the Sr. / Jr. thing.
Soooo, for answering Douglass Fairbanks KD gets a whole point and for recognizing the fact that Fairbanks Jr. also had a film carreer he gets a bonus .5 points (That could be the tie breaker in the end fellas :wink: )
Aaaand rgimbel gets his .5 to get in the race!!! -good to have you here rg!
Loto-Movie-Trivia score-a-thon:
rgimbel: .5
Rest of Loto:0
KD has a commanding lead...will the rest of loto catch up???? -The suspense is killing me :)