Nominations for MLB's Biggest Wimp

Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:26 am


Was I just lectured on the righteousness of athletes who are getting paid millions of dollars and refuse to work because a "form of social anxiety disorder?"

[u:5989b72b61]Everyone[/u:5989b72b61] has a form of social anxiety disorder just like [u:5989b72b61]everyone[/u:5989b72b61] has a form of dislexia and [u:5989b72b61]everyone[/u:5989b72b61] has a certain degree of autism.

It is no disrespect to anyone.

However, you go tell the waitress at Dennys if she can take 6 months off from work because the crowded spaces scare her. Or to keep it in sports, you know what would have happened to David Eckstein if at one point in his minor league carreer he had said "I'm sorry I'm not playing because the crowds scare me"???

BTW, talking about wimpy and or/ being capable to play through relatively "minor" pain. Wasn't JD Drew on the field most of the time the Year before he hit the FA market, and since he got his FA contract with the Dodgers he's back to his old "tough luck injuries"????
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:31 am

[i:7dbba13dca]For their troubles, they now get 95 mph fastballs thrown at their heads daily.[/i:7dbba13dca]

Oh Boy :lol: :lol:

The inaneness of this comment really cracks me up!!!

Tell you what, You let me play ball for a living and give me at least 10 years to condition and prepare my body so that I can take it to the point that for me a 95 MHP fastball coming my way is just like a traffic light to a bus driver in public transportation during rush hour...but pay me no less that 1/4 of a million dollar to play, in the case of JD Drew you give me 11.4 Million dollars.

:lol: [i:7dbba13dca]For their troubles they get a fastball coming their way[/i:7dbba13dca] OMG what a cracker :lol:
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:06 pm

And BTW,

just to make sure there are no misunderstandings.

I believe very much in Greinke's pitching abilities and have no reason to be believe he is a great individual.

I am as sympathetic to him as to anyone who has to overcome any problem of the like but it's that "Ballsy" attitude that aray was just talking about that I wish more talent individuals had today. In the sports world, entreteinment world...everywhere. It's good. It's healthy. It allows you to make the most of what life gives you.


Very centered and peaceful now. :D
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:28 pm

I won't say he is a wimp, but......

A player with soooo much talent at a young age, maybe he was too young and put in a pressure situation and completely fell apart.

He had one of the sweetest curves I have ever seen, had lefties jumping back only to have the curve sweep across the plate. A better than average fastball that only could get better.

He is still playing baseball (out for the year with knee surgury)
Had a chance to make the big ball club for the 2nd time in a different position......outfielder.

Can you name him?

The reason I put it in this post is that no one could figure out what happened to him and why he fell apart, and was never able to regain what he once had.

He is still a young player with a shot of making the Team next year if he recovers from his season ending knee surgury.

He is no other than.......Rick Ankiel

I also would like to say that if we as "regular working adults" were to miss as much work as some of these players we would be collecting un-employment checks and would not be able to find another job period.
I don't care if it is Mc Donalds or Wendy's.....missing that much time on the job would keep us from finding work.....and these guys are making millions.

I could be the worst athlete ever, but for 250,000 a yr. I would dodge 95mph fastballs, no doubt about it. I wouldn't even call in sick.

Just my .02
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Postby Mean Dean » Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:06 pm

Act as shocked and use as many smiley faces as you like... that doesn't make your point any stronger. One of the reasons these guys are in MLB at all, in addition to genetic athletic skills, is because they had the mental discipline to practice incessantly and to perform consistently at the very highest level. I never heard of anyone buying a MLB ticket, jumping the fence and making the team. Of the tens of millions of people who would like to be pro baseball players, only a couple of hundred at any given time succeed. All of them worked like hell to get there. And once they get do there, one of the reasons those that stick around do so is because they're capable of making it through a 162-game season, which is physically taxing. Anyone involved in baseball can tell you that after about May, no one is playing at 100%. Most of all, I'm mystified as to how you know how much pain someone else is in, and that someone who isn't playing would be capable of it.

I've personally never experienced having a "bit" of dyslexia, but, whatever; apparently Greinke has a whole lot more serious social anxiety disorder than most people do. When it gets to the point where you can't function in society, that's the point at which it is a serious mental illness. He can't just suck it up and deal. The chemicals in his brain are not right.

What are you even [i:1d9673f3f2]saying[/i:1d9673f3f2] about Greinke and Ankiel? They'd prefer not to make millions of dollars a year? They'd rather get one year's minimum MLB salary and then get drummed out of the game? Because that's exactly what's happening to them. If they could just get over it, why the hell wouldn't they??

[b:1d9673f3f2]Aray[/b:1d9673f3f2], I agree that New Yorkers at least definitely prefer a brash, confident star to A-Rod's overly political, eager-to-please personality. He's going through a rough time right now, but he'll end up fine; he has hit in the playoffs before, he has hit in the clutch before, he has always been an RBI machine; this too will pass. He is still one of the very best players in the game, and most likely in the [i:1d9673f3f2]history[/i:1d9673f3f2] of the game.
Mean Dean
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Postby longgandhi » Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:15 pm

DeanTSC summed up pretty much what I was going to say. I would just add that dealing with the press and fans every day can be pretty exhausting as well.

To simulate the press corps, tell 3-5 people you work with to ask you about your most physically painful experience every day for a couple of weeks. Also ask them to remind you about every mistake you've ever made that they can remember.

To simulate fan demands, stop what you're doing and stand there for 30 seconds for every 15 minutes you are in a public place. I haven't figured out how you can get people to call you a jerk for not signing their stuff.
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Postby Sykes25 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:50 pm

A-Rod's problem is not adjusting his swing to the situation.

Yanks down 3-2 with a runner on second and nobody out. A-Rod will either pop-up, ground out to SS, ground out to 3B, or strike out looking at an outside fastball. He then blows bubbles on his way back to the dugout.

Jeter in the same position? The ball could go to right center, bunted or hit into the bullpen.

A-Rod is not a "wimp" persay, but he needs to take off the skirt when it's not 10-2.
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:42 pm

A few words because I'm really not interested in arguing this:

1. I didn't say anything about Ankiel.

2. To the extent I said anything that was taken as offensive then I sincerely apologize. No sarcasm here.

So there you go Dean.


I do know from direct experience how difficult it is to deal with the so-called "social dissorders" my views, though they might be seen as insensitive stem from a deeply rooted sense of empthy and compassion.

Most of what I said has been twisted and I could go on clarifying my points but it's useless since I know that my clarifications will in turn be misconstrued.

So, as I said before:

I'm not interested in arguing and as always I value and respect your opinions Dean... which doesn't mean I cannot disagree with you.


Cool Beans?

Certainly hope so.

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