Has 2006 killed off the "Old Guard"??

Postby MARCPELLETIER » Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:56 pm

Well, perhaps the solution that bk (bkoron) once proposed is the best solution to ignite the fire of the old guard.

He had suggested to start with a fair pricing structure, and then to let the supply and demand equilibrium corrects the pricing structure.

Every monday, TSN could come up with a different pricing structure considering the drafting and waivers picks.

To take this year as an example, a player like Bay could get as low as 9M up until owners start to draft him with more intensity. Santana, on the other hand, would probably be at 9.5M.

This way, the old-guard would perhaps retrieve the fun of looking for the bargains, and the new players could perhaps hope that the laws of the free market don't create Santos- and Weber-like players.
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Postby ArrylT » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:09 pm

Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who shared their 2 cents (1.5 cents Canadian) on this topic/thread. :)
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:30 pm

I totally agree with ArrylT,
I was a big strato fan back in High school many moons ago and forgot about it over the years. I played fantasy hockey on TSN and noticed a few years back that they were going to start strato. I was skeptical and didn't sign up in '01. Last year I did more research and started reading the boards. It struck my interest again and I decided to try it.

I would not have stayed with it though without the input from almost every name on this post whether in head to head competition or from the "Please help" posts.

It's like a father teaching his son how to throw and catch for the first time or teaching him how to ride a bike. Of course your success is limited and there are quite a few bumps and scratches along the way, but with the advice and opinions on this board and specifically certain posts and posters, I have been able to learn and put a decent team on the field.

Don't let the cynics and the trash talking of certain people keep you from enjoying the game and the competition that alot of us still enjoy. I personally find the friendly competition a nice break from the day to day hassles I have to put up with.

You old guard are the legacy that will keep this game alive and improving, you don't want to give your ferrari to a 16 yr old and let him drive it do ya?
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Postby doug_tucker10 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:49 pm

speaking as an "OLD GUARD" hehe...ive stopped playing the TSN SOM online game altogether...i still have a credit ive yet to use for the 80s game. Why did i stop playing? I got tired of all the irrational moves by the computer manager in the games. I still play my cd rom SOM computer game at home and am involved in a face to face league as well. If anything ive had MORE time for SOM. Maybe someday i'll play here again, i love the SOM baseball game. I have to admit the upcoming latest ATG version MIGHT whet my appetite to try playing again.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:01 pm

I find it pretty kind of shocking that I'm ranked 174th overall and I had pretty much taken the '03 and '05 seasons off. I played a lot when the game came out ('01, '02, ATG, 80s) and there were many many Strato diehards and buddies who I thought would always stay and play. A lot of them are gone!! I can't believe approximately only 173 people have played more than me in the 5 years.
I have come back this year and am playing a lot (currently have teams in the 80s, ATGII, 2006, and 1969). There are a lot of great guys to always talk to and get into bizaare theme leagues. It's my online friendships here that allows me to rationalize that $25 is worth a cyber-team. The reason I left was because of the $25 a shot. At that time, I would just create teams and jump in public leagues and didn't have time for the message boards. I did very well in those days because the public leagues were typically full of rookies or intermediates. Now that I'm joining leagues with the best of the best, my winning pcg. is dropping but I'm having a lot more fun!! Because of that, I'll keep playing.
I'm looking forward to the ATGIII league. I do wish they would drop the price of these leagues. $15 to $20 is more reasonable in my mind. For some reason, I think SOM/TSN wants to hold down the amount of players playing this game. It is in my opinion, this is the PREMIUM on-line game by far. No one can touch it. So, on the flipside, the hefty price tag does keep the trash out of the leagues and off of these boards.

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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:28 pm

I stumbled onto the online thing a couple of years ago. Being a die hard Strato Fanatic..... I jumped in with absolutley no ideal what I was doing. I learned a lot by reading posts, watching teams in leagues I was in, and occasionally asking questions.

I do not have time to subscribe to many things that are out there to make me better. I just love the game.

I hve ups and downs. Goods and bads. It took me 51 teams before I got a championship. I consider myself new gaurd and have hooked up with some great guys in multiple leagues.. Kev ... LM Bombers Catom Pelzer Assmeritan Genegrid... just to name a few. I hate to see the old leaving... for whatever reason... but It appears more and more people are joing... once again for whatever reason. Luckily... this is my hobby and spend way more money then I should..... but no matter the situation.... I will continue to play. I will stay up to 1am to check my teams..... then check what I missed once I get to work the next day.

Just my 2 cents... and hope to play with anyone I have not played with before...... except in the ATG games... which I have never played.

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Postby durantjerry » Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:11 am

I started playing in 2001 and enjoy the game just as much as I used to. I also have been more successful the last two years than in any prior year(.540 & .530 vs .515-.520) while playing in many more vet filled leagues. I think there are many strategies that are available that still make the game enjoyable and challenging. You have to throw out your preconceived notions of what works and what doesn't work. In my Tour League 4, the two best records(one is me) have "3" rated players at SS, which was unheard of in prior years. There probably were not too many leagues in earlier years where any two teams even had a "3" at SS, never mind the two best records. I also find mixing the * and non-* starters has been very successful, which was frowned upon in earlier years as a bad value move. Someone in Tour League 3 sent me an email offering a trade pointing out I had mixed my starters, which was poor value. I have the best record and he is in last place in our division. I also find micromanging the bullpen, especially in unbalanced parks, can help you save some big $$ that can be used elsewhere. If I am micromanaging and my pen costs $2.00 less than yours but is just as effective, that is a big advantage. Many of the posts seem to mention worse records in 2006. The game is evolving and the challenge is to evolve your strategies to take advantage of whatever new opportunities present themselves.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:27 am

That was some good insight DurantJerry on the game changing over the years. By the way, is it me or does it seem that the many of the "old guard" are cemented in the ATGII and ATGIII games? It seems like a different world over there. A lot of those guys I don't see in the '05 and '06 games. I have found the '06 game the most challenging (thus an over losing record so far :shock: ). I would think those guys would jump over and try to master the new games that come out.

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