by KEVINEHLE » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:56 pm
0 A.Everett 2 Double b-2
0 2 S.Casey 6 Ground Out b-0
1 2 C.Singleton 4 HBP b-1
SUBSTITUTE P - Aaron Heilman
SUBSTITUTE PH- John Rodriguez
1 12 J.Rodriguez 5 HBP 2-3 1-2 b-1
1 123 E.Garabito 6 Single 3-H 2-3 1-2 b-1
SUBSTITUTE PH- Dioner Navarro
1 123 D.Navarro 3 [b:1601b75460]Out On Appeal Double Play[/b:1601b75460] 3-o b-0
**OK Strato veterans, I haven't seen a Double Play on and Appeal before.....ever! It just happened to happen with bases loaded in the 9th in a potential comeback for the hitting team. :shock:
Is there a new situational event on the split charts or on the players cards??? or is this something a bored programmer threw together? :wink: