Please.. need lineup help for bomber team

Postby boss_of_um » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:04 pm

Gehringer may bat well in the 2 hole, but personally he walks too much for my tastes for a 2-hole hitter. I want someone like Cleon Jones who gets his average from hits. Or Speaker. I've heard Morgan does well hitting second as well, but to me he walks too much, but at least he does not hit into too many doubple plays.
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Postby egvrich » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:16 pm

[quote:dde8794611="Grindi"]Have you guys REALLY had success with Bando?

Coach, how do you keep Rosen healthy?[/quote:dde8794611]


Bando always rocks for me, he has never disappointed me yet. In fact on my last two "bomber" teams, I've had both him and Banks and they have put up very similar numbers. I love the guy (in a manly kind of way of course :wink: ).

And in answer to your Rosen question, you don't keep him healthy, expect 140-150 games out of him and he will kick some butt for those games, great OBP vs LHP'sand good power vs RHP's. On my very first championship team, Rosen batted 2nd all year and hit about .300 with an OBP near .400 and something like 35-40 HR's.

Rolfe always give the same thing ... 162 games, decent defense, .300 average, .400 OBP and about 20 HR's. Great for the price.

Boyer will give you great defense for 162 games and 30 HR's with a .270 BA for a very reasonable price.
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Postby egvrich » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:19 pm

And, don't forget George Brett. He is the king of 3rd baseman as far as I'm concerned. He will give you decent defense, good speed, hit .400-.450 with an obp of .450-.500 and he'll contribute 25-30HR's and 50 or so doubles too. Of course, like Rosen, expect 140-150 games at most.

I know people bash him, but Mike Schmidt on a bomber team is pretty decent. Low injuries, good speed, great defense, great OBP and he'll still hit 40-50 HR's even if he faces a bunch of RHP's. I've used him twice and been satisfied both times.
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Postby sschu » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:31 pm

The only thing I do not like about Bando is that Brett is better choice. I have considered moving Brett to 1B and using Bando, but there are better values at 1B than Bando is at 3B. If I do not get Brett, take Bandit every time in a sluggers park.

actjet, there is a spreadsheet floating around that has all the player cards numbers, post a request, or send me your email and I'll forward it to you if I can find the old raw data one.

Kiki is a better choice in RF (arm, speed, power, range) unless you need a LH bat to balance the team.
Gordon over G-man at 2B all day at Fenway.
I like Wyatt at Fenway, some do not, but any SP/RP is going to have a difficult time there.
Boggs has got to go, his only redeeeming quality IMHO is OBP. He lack of speed and relative high cost makes him less attractive, you need 50 BPHR points.
Look for the $5-6M value sluggers, Cepeda, McCovey, Money, Covington, Ennis, Bando, Ripper are suggestions. Rosen and Boyer are OK, but I've never used them.

Best of luck, sschu
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:09 pm

Brett? He's worth that kind of money? I've never used him. Now I have used Foxx at 3rd. He flat out hits.
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Postby atcjet » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:53 pm

Cant thank you guys enough for all the help. looks like im stuck with boggs, none of the players mentioned are available. Just need some suggestions as to how I should bat this bunch. Cant wait till opening day

Thanks again
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Postby atcjet » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:55 pm

Cant thank you guys enough for all youe help. Looks like im stuck with boggs at 3b. All the player mentioned for his replacement are taken. Just need some input on how I should bat this team(lineup).

Thnaks again
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Postby egvrich » Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:52 am

[quote:d5f6d0bf91="Grindi"]Brett? He's worth that kind of money? I've never used him. Now I have used Foxx at 3rd. He flat out hits.[/quote:d5f6d0bf91]


Do yourself a favor and take Brett one time, you'll be a fan for life ......
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Re: Please.. need lineup help for bomber team

Postby egvrich » Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:00 am

[quote:5c82116adf="atcjet"]Just drafted bomber team[/quote:5c82116adf]

Gotta be honest with you, this is not a bomber team. It's actually a very nice solid offensive team for a neutral park. You only have 5 guys who are gonna hit over 20 HR's.

Realisitically you can probably count on the following number of HR's per hitter:

Musial = 15
Jackson = 15
Boggs = 10
Yount = 30
Gordon = 35
Snider = 45
Yaz = 40
Carter = 40

That's only 230 HR's. With your pitching staff, you are really gonna struggle to win games unless you are scoring 6 or more runs per game.

IMHO with this type of team, you need 1 or 2 good OBP guys and the rest need to be true sluggers. Yount really qualifies as an OBP guy more than a bomber, but he gives you a little of both plus speed, defense and no injuries, so he's a keeper

If you're interested in hearing it, my suggestion would be to replace Boggs and Jackson, keep Musial. Find a quality 3B (Schmidt is the only one on the wire right now). Again, maybe you can find someone who will trade you Bando for Joe Jackson or a similar deal. Then you can pick up a "value" slugging LF like Oglivie, Horton, Roenicke, etc.

Also Boog Powell is available at 1B if you were willing to TRADE (not drop) Musial.

The point is, if you're gonna build a "bomber team", do it. Otherwise, you're a tweener who won't be able to score enough runs to win any games.

Finally, dump Caldwell and use the money elsewhere. You don't need him. Dump Lamp and get Perranoski immediately.

Good Luck!
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Postby egvrich » Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:29 pm

Wade is a great value but NOT in your park, he's gonna get lit up.

Sisk, Anderson, Dayley, Borbon are better options.
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