Post poor in-game relief decisions here, Part II

HAL hates Flores

Postby longgandhi » Sat Jun 10, 2006 6:03 pm

It's a Strat-o-matic 2006 league and Randy Flores is one of seven relievers on my staff. His settings are set to "avoid right-handers", "quick hook" and "avoid using in blowouts".

There were two games earlier in the season, one was 12-0 and the other was 15-4, in which he was used for 2 innings apiece against a primarily right-handed line-up. Those were frustrating enough but the box score I'm most puzzled with occurred last night.

Keith Foulke faced one batter (Adam Dunn) and and then was removed so that Flores could be brought in to face Jermaine Dye. After retiring Dye, he was removed so that Lance Cormier could face Craig Biggio. I'm thankful that HAL finally understands what "quick hook" means but it would be nice if he could also learn his right from his left. Thanks.
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give the guy a break his arm is falling off

Postby rgimbel » Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:27 am

you would think that Olhman might get pulled after 12 walks before he could blow the game. Unfortunatly Wags and Donnely were used twice in a row (not sure why) but fassaro good vs lefties and farnsworth my closer vs righties hadnt been used in a long time would of been nice to bring one of them in
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ohlman 12 walks in 8 innings

Postby rgimbel » Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:08 pm

anyone have thoughts on this one
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Postby albert2b » Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:05 am

This one has me scratching my head. Davis was cruising after 6 innings, including a 1-2-3 6th. I left all his individual settings unchecked, which I assume meant that he had no real restrictions on him.

Anyway, in the 7th, my opponent has 3 lefties coming up (Gibbons, Chavez and Schneider). Not only is Davis pulled, but HAL somehow decides that F. Osoria (he of the 9R rating) is the best option to replace Davis. Now, I could understand this move if Osoria (who I checked to AVOID LH hitters) is the last guy left in my pen, but I had FIVE other relievers available (Nathan, Mercker, Novoa, Madsen, J. Walker), 4 of whom didn't have the AVOID LH checked on their individual settings. Also, only Nathan had the "AVOID USING BEFORE X INNING" option checked. Everyone else was available at that point in the game. Oh, and another FYI, my manager settings had my relief usage as NORMAL and closer settings at MAXIMIZE. I had Nathan as my closer vs both LH and RH and left both setup slots blank.

I checked the previous game to see if there was any possibilty of my guys getting overused in that game, and while Mercker, Walker, Novoa and Nathan were all used in that game, only Novoa pitched as much as 2 IP, while the other guys were at 1 IP or less. I don't think fatigue was an issue for the Davis/Osoria game because Mercker entered the game later and took the loss. Even if it was an issue, why not just leave Davis in then???

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Postby Semper Gumby » Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:02 am

Semper Gumby
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:38 am

I can't seem to create a link!! Someone needs to tell me how to do it.

*In short, my starter pitched 2/3 of an inning and gave up 4 unearned runs.
*HAL puts my setup man in, Scott Shields who ends up pitching the final 8 1/3 innings in relief!! He gave up 8 runs and made 187 pitches!!

This was only the 8th game of the season and I had a very rested bullpen. Now Shields is useless for most of the next series. He is definitely set up as a mop-up man or anything. What gives???

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Postby paul.czarnecki » Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:14 am

Bullpen set to aggressive, Westbrook set to quick hook. HAL lets him pitch a complete game, giving up 8 runs.
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