by J-Pav » Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:52 pm
[b:ac76f13836]Doctor Tax[/b:ac76f13836]:
[b:ac76f13836]Sarge[/b:ac76f13836] is taking A-Rod, per his earlier post. Who are you taking?
Round 0 means the next pick. Skip the group thing (leave it on 1) unless you're forming a group (ie, a set of one particular position). List the priorities 1 thru whatever in ascending order. You'll get the player listed at Round 0 Group 1 Priority 1 first, Priority 2 next, and so on. Read the [i:ac76f13836]Help[/i:ac76f13836] screen thoroughly if you have more detailed questions, it's all in there.
It's a bit unsettling at first, but the website is actually pretty user friendly with regard to however you want to approach your draft. As for me, I set everything at Round 0 Group 1 and rank order a half dozen players in the Priority section and let it go at that, so there's no major drama.
Watch your leagues...reading the other threads I was shocked at how often even veteran players choose a guy in the wrong league.
Cheers all.