Crazy defensive substitution
Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:57 pm
by Mythical Birds
In 1999 why would Sveum (a 4 SS) substitute as a totally defensive move for Renteria (a 2 SS) late in a tie ballgame where no pinchhitting or pinchrunning was done that would require this? Is this just another Hal glitch in the system? These drive me crazy.
Re: Crazy defensive substitution
Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:02 am
by UrbanShockers
Doesn't look like this has gotten anyone fired up enought to weigh in . . . For my $0.02, it seems like a marginal upgrade. You're going from 2e30 to 4e8. There's a chart that should show if that's a net plus; I haven't consulted it in years, but my sense is it would be (at least in terms of getting first outs -- not sure how DPs gained/lost would affect it.)