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1969 franchise league-frank to load + kev mark team as ready

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:32 pm
by gbrookes
would like to do a franchise season with 1969


1. Draft franchises (random draft order) . Use stadium for that drafted franchise .
2. 5 round draft for players from undrafted franchises - 60 players drafted
3. No DH
4. Salary cap $80 million
5 regular season roster strat limitations on roster requirements
6. You “own” your franchise players , drafted players - any extra players are temporarily in the minors if they aren’t on your active roster. Other teams cannot add your protected players
7. Trades are possible - must be posted on the league forum board and must be approved by the commissioner on the boards
8. Ballparks cannot be traded
9. Divisions will be organized on a random basis (strat random formation )

Sign up!:

1. Geoff Brookes

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:16 am
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:26 pm
by Musial6
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev
3. Musial6

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:42 pm
by bandit442
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev
3. Musial6
4. CrustyCrab53

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:59 pm
by LMBombers
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev
3. Musial6
4. CrustyCrab53
5. LMBombers

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:14 pm
by ycbill
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev
3. Musial6
4. CrustyCrab53
5. LMBombers
6. ycbill

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:13 pm
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev
3. Musial6
4. CrustyCrab53
5. LMBombers
6. ycbill
7. FrankM

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:40 pm
by rolandzeut
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev
3. Musial6
4. CrustyCrab53
5. LMBombers
6. ycbill
7. FrankM
8. rolandzeut

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:38 pm
by Delbird
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev
3. Musial6
4. CrustyCrab53
5. LMBombers
6. ycbill
7. FrankM
8. rolandzeut
9. Delbird

Re: 1969 season franchise league sign up!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:26 pm
by krazykat
1. Geoff Brookes
2. ehlekev
3. Musial6
4. CrustyCrab53
5. LMBombers
6. ycbill
7. FrankM
8. rolandzeut
9. Delbird
10. krazykat