Auto League 346589

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Re: Auto League 346589

PostWed Jun 26, 2013 12:34 am

Kontos continues to KILL us. Gotta make some changes to the pitching matchups. Hopefully that'll change our fortunes.


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Re: Auto League 346589

PostThu Jun 27, 2013 12:30 am

Just realized that SOM sent out the wrong stats for Loney in their disk and he SUCKS v LHP.

SOM's customer service sucks.


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Re: Auto League 346589

PostMon Jul 01, 2013 12:17 am

Posting Ratings. The data is as of a couple days ago. Just got around to posting.

These team ratings use my player ratings. You can get more info by going to my web site, or just asking questions here. :)

Higher is better for hitting. Lower is better for fielding and pitching. Overall should be higher.

Code: Select all
Team...   O...   P...   F..   P+F.   Ovrl   Div
ChicoCt   7964   5264   377   5641   2323   W
Winterf   8135   5305   520   5825   2310   W
Innings   7878   5096   608   5705   2173   C
NoExptn   8223   5414   659   6073   2150   W
Unidext   8398   5622   677   6299   2099   C
Musiclo   7971   4843   1085   5928   2044   W
Mastic.   7375   4914   428   5342   2033   E
Hasentr   8059   5601   467   6068   1991   E
hoboken   7771   5368   449   5817   1954   E
Hurrah..   7452   4962   650   5612   1840   C
Riverct   7349   5201   521   5721   1628   E
Tidewtr   7506   5163   856   6019   1487   C

Some big anomalies in the ratings to actuals. Primarily with my team and Winterfell. Primarily I think my D isn't helping my pitching as it should and my pitching is underperforming in general. More below. OTOH Hoboken and Hurrah are outpacing what the ratings would expect. Normally you'll see one team too high and one too low. In this case, we see two of each. It's still fairly early so things *could* change.

Per our earlier conversation, it's interesting to note that the Music Lovers are right about where the ratings would expect even with more offense than expected.

Code: Select all
Team Ov   Ovrl Rtg   Rec   Dif   
ChicoCt   2323   1   7   -6   W
Winterf   2310   1   9   -8   W
Innings   2173   3   6   -3   C
NoExptn   2150   3   6   -3   W
Unidext   2099   4   5   -1   C
Musiclo   2044   5   4   1   W
Mastic.   2033   5   2   3   E
Hasentr   1991   6   7   -1   E
hoboken   1954   7   2   5   E
Hurrah..   1840   8   3   5   C
Riverct   1628   10   8   2   E
Tidewtr   1487   12   10   2   C

Winterfell's record difference is quite clearly in their O which should be MUCH better than it's been. Several teams are out performing: Music, Mastic, Hoboken and Hurrah.

Code: Select all
Team PF   P+F Rtg   Run   Dif   
Mastic.   5342   1   1   0   E
Hurrah..   5612   4   6   -2   C
ChicoCt   5641   4   7   -3   W
Innings   5705   5   6   -1   C
Riverct   5721   5   10   -5   E
hoboken   5817   6   3   3   E
Winterf   5825   6   9   -3   W
Musiclo   5928   7   7   0   W
Tidewtr   6019   8   8   0   C
Hasentr   6068   9   8   1   E
NoExptn   6073   9   9   0   W
Unidext   6299   11   9   2   C

Pitching is decently close with the exception of River City who should be better. Chico and Winterfell should be a bit better and Hoboken is a bit high.

Code: Select all
Fielding   FRt Rtg   F%   Dif   
ChicoCt   377   2   5   -3   W
Mastic.   428   3   4   -1   E
hoboken   449   3   2   1   E
Hasentr   467   3   7   -4   E
Winterf   520   4   9   -5   W
Riverct   521   4   10   -6   E
Innings   608   5   6   -1   C
Hurrah..   650   6   2   4   C
NoExptn   659   6   5   1   W
Unidext   677   7   11   -4   C
Tidewtr   856   9   8   1   C
Musiclo   1085   12   12   0   W

A lot of variations in fielding so far. I would expect many of those to even out. When I do the "luck factor" analysis, we'll see more how this is impacting teams.


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Re: Auto League 346589

PostTue Jul 02, 2013 7:49 pm

Wow, no comments at all?


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Re: Auto League 346589

PostFri Jul 05, 2013 1:12 am

Just realized that I didn't post the offense. Here it is:

Code: Select all
Team Of   O     Rtg Run Dif   
Unidext   8398   1   4   -3   C
NoExptn   8223   3   2   1   W
Winterf   8135   4   10   -6   W
Hasentr   8059   5   5   0   E
Musiclo   7971   6   2   4   W
ChicoCt   7964   6   6   0   W
Innings   7878   7   6   1   C
hoboken   7771   8   4   4   E
Tidewtr   7506   9   9   0   C
Hurrah..   7452   9   6   3   C
Mastic.   7375   9   8   1   E
Riverct   7349   11   11   0   E

Obviously the biggest difference is Winterfell (after the moves they just made, their rating dropped quite a bit however). Music and Hoboken are out performing their offensive numbers significantly. Uni is a bit under also.


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Re: Auto League 346589

PostMon Jul 08, 2013 1:40 am

Ouch, lose 2 in 12 innings and leave 13 on base in the third game.

Our pen, which we spent a decent amount on, has just killed us. 15 BS, twice the league average. The first place team in our division has 5 BS and spent less than half that on the pen. We know it's not his D that's saving his pen! ;)

Oh well, this team just doesn't seem to have it.


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Re: Auto League 346589

PostSun Aug 04, 2013 2:16 am

GL too all the playoff teams.

In the end, this was a disappointing team. Our Pen just severly underperformed and this team needed them to be good. Oh well. On to the next team.


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Re: Auto League 346589

PostMon Aug 05, 2013 6:21 am

Thanks Joe, was def a weird season. That unpredictable Hal! LOL. GL to everyone, Im sure we'll see each other in another league somewhere.

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