Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:29 pm
OK, so the votes are in...
A - Edit the years in the remaining seasons
B - Add the season 15 retirees worth less than $4 mil to the season 16 cardset
C - No modification; just cancel season 16
1. unctarheel - A
2. tcochran/Dodgers - A
3. Spider 67/BlackBears - A
4. dharmabums/Bobcats
5. The Turtle/Spiders - A
6. jodynadu
7. Sknsfan/Tops - A
8. denorien
9. tcochran/Metropolitans - A
10. Spider 67/Crackers - A
11. max_fischer - A
12. The Turtle/Hobbs - A
13. Meat - A
14. chilliards
15. Sknsfan/Arms - A
16. dharmabums/Ravens
17. waynick - A
18. jflatour99 - A
9 of the 13 managers, representing 13 of the 18 teams, have voted for A
I will edit the years in the remaining seasons and send out an updated cardset when done
Thanks for the quick responses!