RANDOMINATION KEEPERS-season #6 needs 2 managers

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RANDOMINATION KEEPERS-season #6 needs 2 managers

PostThu May 13, 2021 6:48 pm

This is an ongoing, standard, 12-team league where you are assigned a random ballpark each season.
Also randomized: Player Sets, DH, and Salary Cap.
Each manager gets 2 “Franchise Players” (see below)
When league is filled, I will generate BP Lots, BP Assignments, Player Sets, DH settings, and Cap (see below)

Parks are grouped in “Lots” of 16 Stadiums each (except the last Lot, which has 13)
Each season, a random Lot is drawn.
Ballparks from that lot are assigned to managers prior to draft.
Unassigned Parks are shifted into “File 99.”
When (if) all 16 lots are complete, File 99 will be used as the league’s last Lot.

PLAYER SETS: Since there is no easy way to randomize the player pool (anymore), we will generate our player pool as follows:
1: All players
2: players from 1901 and later (no 1800s players, outside keepers)
3: Pre war and WW2, all players through 1946 (includes NeL and 1800s players)
4: Post War, 1947 and beyond.
5: Expansion Rosters only
6: The team with the worst record from previous season chooses the player set (tie breaker=head-to-head, then “coin flp” [random numbers])

DH: Determined randomly, before league forms (1=DH, 2=No DH)

SALARY CAP: Randomly, from the following:
1-2. 80M
3-4. 100M
5. 120M
6: 140M

FRANCHISE PLAYERS: You may claim 2 untouchable players, whose combined top salaries cannot exceed 18M. This is first come, first served, based on signup (see signup list, below). These players are yours for good, so choose wisely (or go with your heart, as I did with Ryn-o). Remember: you must use the players most expensive card when claiming them, though you can use any of their cards in game play as you see fit (meaning I have to pay for Mauer’s 9M to claim him, but I can use the 6.68M if I’d rather).

Managers sign up using the list, below.
If you remain in the league, the number you first signed up for is your number for the duration (EX: My # is ‘1’).
If a manager drops out, we will seek new recruits, starting with reservse, until our number is again 12.
Between seasons, you may move to reserve, provided there is a slot open.

Initial Sign up (list franchise players worth no more than 18M):
1. honestiago: Ryne Sandberg 8.44, Joe Mauer 9.22 (TOTAL: 17.66)
(reserve, if a slot comes open)
Last edited by honestiago on Tue May 03, 2022 9:27 pm, edited 15 times in total.


  • Posts: 682
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PostThu May 13, 2021 6:49 pm

Lot 1
1 3Com Pk 1999 Grass 58,000 7 1 13 9
2 Bpk in Arlington 1999 Grass 49,178 14 14 12 9
3 Cath. Prep Oval (NeL) Grass 15,000 18 16 19 18
4 Comiskey Pk '59 Grass 52,000 4 4 6 6
5 Crosley Field '57 Grass 29,980 6 11 19 15
6 Exhibition Std '78 Turf 50,516 11 11 9 9
7 Forbes Field '41 Grass 35,000 10 10 2 2
8 Griffith Std (NeL) Grass 32,000 13 8 2 1
9 League Pk '24 Grass 21,414 13 6 4 1
10 Metropolitan Std '78 Grass 45,919 1 1 6 5
11 Olympic Std 1975 turf 43,739 16 16 14 14
12 Rickwood Field (NeL) Grass 10,800 2 1 5 2
13 Shea Std 1999 Grass 55,601 9 4 10 4
14 Sportsman's Pk '60 Grass 30,500 8 17 15 9
15 Tropicana Field 2005 turf 45,000 8 5 9 6
16 Wrigley Field '78 Grass 37,741 18 18 18 18

Lot 2
1 Ameriquest Fld 2005 grass 49,178 13 13 19 11
2 Braves Field '20 Grass 40,000 4 4 1 1
3 Cinergy Field 1999 Turf 52,952 4 4 13 10
4 Comiskey Pk '60 Grass 52,000 12 9 1 7
5 Crosley Field '66 Grass 29,980 13 18 19 19
6 Exhibition Std 1977 turf 50,516 4 9 14 14
7 Forbes Field '54 Grass 35,000 5 16 1 1
8 Hilldale Pk (NeL) Grass 8,000 6 6 13 16
9 League Pk '34 Grass 21,414 15 11 16 2
10 Mile High Std 1993 grass 76,123 20 20 7 19
11 Olympic Std 1996 turf 43,739 14 9 10 4
12 Riverfront Std '78 Turf 52,952 9 9 11 11
13 Shea Std 2005 grass 55,601 15 10 7 4
14 Sportsman's Pk 1938 grass 34,000 17 6 19 6
15 Tropicana Field 2008 turf 45,000 6 3 9 9
16 Wrigley Field 1927 grass 38,396 13 13 5 4

Lot 3
1 Anaheim Std '77 Grass 64,593 6 6 2 12
2 Braves Field '41 Grass 40,000 7 7 2 0
3 Cinergy Field 2000 Turf 52,953 7 7 10 10
4 Comiskey Pk '78 Grass 52,000 12 12 7 7
5 Crosley Field 1948 grass 30,000 10 7 19 12
6 Fenway Pk '41 Grass 35,000 12 12 14 19
7 Forbes Field '57 Grass 35,000 17 17 1 1
8 Hilltop Pk '11 Grass 16,000 17 12 1 19
9 League Pk '41 Grass 21,414 10 10 9 3
10 Mile High Std 1996 grass 76,123 19 19 19 19
11 Olympic Std 1999 Turf 43,739 13 7 2 5
12 Robison Field '11 Grass 21,000 6 15 2 1
13 Shibe Pk '11 Grass 20,000 3 3 4 1
14 Sportsman's Pk AL '41 Grass 34,000 7 7 20 6
15 Turner Field 1999 Grass 49,831 6 9 6 6
16 Wrigley Field 1938 grass 38,396 9 9 1 9

Lot 4
1 Anaheim Std '78 Grass 64,593 12 12 9 9
2 Braves Field '48 Grass 40,000 9 9 2 2
3 Citi Field 2010 grass 41,800 4 4 8 5
4 Comiskey Pk 1927 grass 32,000 15 15 0 0
5 Dodger Std '64 Grass 56,000 4 7 1 1
6 Fenway Pk '46 Grass 35,000 12 11 8 17
7 Forbes Field '65 Grass 35,000 18 8 1 1
8 Hunt. Ave. Grds '11 Grass 11,500 4 4 19 19
9 League Pk 1938 grass 21,414 5 12 5 1
10 Miller Pk 2005 grass 43,000 4 4 11 11
11 Palace of the Fns '11 Grass 16,000 15 7 2 2
12 Rogers Centre 2005 turf 50,516 11 11 13 13
13 Shibe Pk '38 Grass 33,000 11 5 1 11
14 Sportsman's Pk NL '41 Grass 34,000 8 8 20 6
15 Turner Field 2005 grass 49,831 8 8 8 8
16 Wrigley Field 1999 Grass 37,272 12 9 11 16

Lot 5
1 Anaheim Std 1996 grass 64,593 4 1 14 14
2 Braves Field 1938 grass 40,000 1 1 1 1
3 Citizens Bnk Pk 2005 Grass 43,000 9 14 15 15
4 Connie Mck Std '57 Grass 33,000 11 6 1 12
5 Dodger Std '78 Grass 56,000 9 9 12 12
6 Fenway Pk '57 Grass 34,824 16 19 10 10
7 Forbes Field 1924 grass 25,000 14 14 1 4
8 Jack Murphy Std'78 Grass 58,671 7 7 4 4
9 Mack Pk (NeL) Grass 6,000 14 8 19 18
10 Minute Maid Pk 2005 turf 40,950 3 11 3 16
11 Penmar Pk (NeL) Grass 6,000 9 9 17 2
12 Royals Std '78 Turf 40,625 14 14 3 3
13 Shibe Pk '50 Grass 33,000 9 7 3 14
14 St. Louis '20 Grass 19,500 15 7 4 1
15 US Cellular Fld 2005 grass 40,615 6 6 18 18
16 Wrigley Field 2005 grass 38,902 5 8 10 14

Lot 6
1 Angels Std 2005 grass 45,050 5 8 8 8
2 Briggs Std '41 Grass 52,416 12 12 18 18
3 Cleveland Std '51 Grass 78,000 8 8 12 12
4 Connie Mck Std '64 Grass 33,000 12 3 1 8
5 Dodger Std 1999 Grass 56,000 3 3 9 9
6 Fenway Pk '67 Grass 33,524 20 18 17 20
7 Forbes Field 1934 grass 25,000 14 14 8 3
8 Jacobs Field 1999 Grass 43,345 14 14 9 9
9 Martin Pk (NeL) Grass 10,000 2 2 1 2
10 Muehlebach Fld (NeL) Grass 16,000 8 8 3 3
11 Petco Pk 2005 grass 46,000 1 1 1 1
12 Royals Std '80 Turf 40,625 17 20 3 3
13 Shibe Pk (AL) '41 Grass 33,000 6 6 3 15
14 Stars Pk (NeL) Grass 10,000 16 19 12 19
15 Veterans Std '75 Turf 62,382 10 10 10 10
16 Yankee Std '27 Grass 82,000 3 3 17 17

Lot 7
1 Arlington Std '78 Grass 35,185 7 7 5 5
2 Briggs Std '57 Grass 52,416 14 14 19 16
3 Cleveland Std '57 Grass 78,000 1 8 8 16
4 Coors Field 1999 Grass 50,381 19 19 17 19
5 Dodger Std 2005 grass 56,000 1 1 11 11
6 Fenway Pk '71 Grass 33,379 13 19 9 17
7 Forbes Field 1959 grass 35,000 17 17 8 1
8 Jacobs Field 2005 grass 43,345 5 5 3 3
9 McAfee Col. 2005 grass 48,219 7 4 4 10
10 Municipal Std '57 Grass 30,296 4 4 6 15
11 PNC Pk 2005 grass 38,365 16 10 10 4
12 Ruppert Std (NeL) Grass 19,000 8 8 13 15
13 Shibe Pk (NL) '41 Grass 33,000 6 6 3 15
14 Target Field 2011 grass 42,035 11 11 2 2
15 Veterans Std '78 Turf 62,382 6 6 15 15
16 Yankee Std '41 Grass 71,699 1 1 15 10

Lot 8
1 Astrodome '71 Turf 44,500 1 10 1 1
2 Busch Std '67 Grass 49,676 11 11 9 9
3 Cleveland Std '63 Grass 78,000 7 1 13 7
4 Coors Field 2005 grass 50,445 19 19 15 15
5 Dolphins Std 2005 grass 42,531 5 5 9 3
6 Fenway Pk '78 Grass 33,513 17 14 9 15
7 Fulton Cnty Std '78 Grass 51,500 13 13 20 20
8 Jarry Pk '71 Grass 28,456 7 7 19 10
9 Memorial Std '57 Grass 47,855 7 3 1 1
10 Municipal Std '78 Grass 35,561 4 4 3 5
11 Polo Grounds '11 Grass 34,000 2 8 7 16
12 SAFECO Field 2001 Grass 47,116 3 3 9 3
13 Shibe Pk 1924 grass 33,000 2 12 8 17
14 Terrapin Pk (NeL) Grass 10,000 14 14 2 1
15 Veterans Std 1999 Turf 62,382 10 10 10 10
16 Yankee Std '48 Grass 71,699 4 4 19 6

Lot 9
1 Astrodome '78 Turf 45,000 3 3 2 2
2 Busch Std '78 Turf 49,676 10 10 4 4
3 Cleveland Std '66 Grass 78,000 5 5 10 10
4 Coors Field 2007 Grass 50,445 16 19 8 14
5 Dunn Field '20 Grass 21,414 16 6 10 1
6 Fenway Pk 1948 grass 35,500 12 12 1 14
7 Great Am. Bpk 2005 grass 42,059 4 4 13 13
8 Joe Robb Std 1995 grass 46,238 14 14 6 6
9 Memorial Std '59 Grass 47,855 1 1 7 7
10 Navin Field '34 Grass 30,000 9 12 2 4
11 Polo Grounds '24 Grass 34,000 1 3 15 15
12 SAFECO Field 2005 grass 46,621 1 1 14 6
13 Skydome '93 Turf 50,516 9 10 6 18
14 Three Rivers Std '77 turf 47,971 14 9 12 7
15 Washington Pk '11 Grass 18,800 4 1 2 2
16 Yankee Std '56 Grass 67,000 10 9 19 5

Lot 10
1 Astrodome 1999 Turf 54,816 6 6 4 4
2 Busch Std 1996 grass 49,676 8 8 7 7
3 Cleveland Std 1948 grass 78,000 3 3 10 10
4 County Std '57 Grass 43,394 3 3 1 1
5 Ebbets Field '20 Grass 25,000 16 10 19 8
6 Fenway Pk 1993 grass 34,218 19 17 7 7
7 Greenlee Field (NeL) Grass 7,500 8 10 14 4
8 Kauffman Stad 1995 grass 40,625 10 10 10 1
9 Memorial Std '70 Grass 53,208 17 5 12 12
10 Navin Field 1924 grass 30,000 5 9 3 18
11 Polo Grounds '41 Grass 55,000 0 0 20 20
12 San Diego Std 1973 grass 44,790 2 7 1 10
13 Skydome 1999 Turf 50,516 6 6 5 5
14 Three Rivers Std '78 Turf 47,971 14 14 12 12
15 Washington Pk (NeL) Grass 10,000 17 10 1 4
16 Yankee Std '57 Grass 67,000 4 4 9 1

Lot 11
1 Baker Bowl '11 Grass 18,000 19 6 19 19
2 Busch Std 1999 Grass 49,676 6 6 11 11
3 Cleveland Std 1971 grass 78,000 9 6 20 20
4 County Std '61 Grass 43,394 1 1 1 8
5 Ebbets Field '41 Grass 32,000 14 14 15 8
6 Fenway Pk 1996 grass 34,218 16 16 8 8
7 Griffith Std '11 Grass 32,000 5 5 19 5
8 Kauffman Stad 2005 grass 40,625 10 13 2 2
9 Memorial Std '78 Grass 53,208 4 4 4 4
10 Net Asc Col 1999 Grass 48,219 7 7 7 7
11 Polo Grounds '57 Grass 55,000 4 1 19 16
12 SBC Pk 2005 grass 41,503 7 16 4 7
13 South End Grnds '11 Grass 6,800 3 3 17 19
14 ThreeRivers Std 1999 Turf 47,971 5 8 12 12
15 West Side Pk '11 Grass 16,000 7 7 7 2
16 Yankee Std '71 Grass 65,010 8 2 12 1

Lot 12
1 Baker Bowl '32 Grass 20,000 11 11 20 20
2 Busch Std 2005 grass 43,975 5 11 6 6
3 Comerica Pk 2005 grass 40,950 13 8 6 6
4 County Std '78 Grass 43,394 15 15 10 10
5 Ebbets Field '55 Grass 32,000 13 1 9 18
6 Fenway Pk 1999 Grass 34,218 17 12 2 7
7 Griffith Std '24 Grass 32,000 9 7 0 0
8 Kauffman Std 1999 Grass 40,625 10 10 11 11
9 Memorial Stad 1971 grass 53,208 8 8 3 17
10 New Comiskey 1999 Grass 40,615 5 10 4 9
11 Pro Player Std 1999 Grass 47,662 3 3 4 4
12 Schorling Pk (NeL) Grass 15,000 1 1 3 1
13 South Side Pk (NeL) Grass 15,000 9 9 6 6
14 Tiger Std '75 Grass 52,416 13 10 16 13
15 Wrigley Field '41 Grass 38,396 9 9 0 2
16 Yankee Std '78 Grass 57,145 1 1 15 8

Lot 13
1 Baker Bowl '34 Grass 20,000 19 12 12 16
2 Camden Yards 1999 Grass 48,262 3 6 8 11
3 Comiskey Pk '11 Grass 32,000 1 6 3 9
4 County Std 1995 grass 43,394 18 15 4 4
5 Ebbets Field '57 Grass 32,000 14 11 14 19
6 Fenway Pk 2005 grass 36,298 14 14 4 10
7 Griffith Std '41 Grass 32,000 7 7 0 0
8 Kingdome '78 Turf 59,166 5 5 17 17
9 Metrodome 1999 Turf 55,883 11 11 12 4
10 Oakland Col '78 Grass 50,000 4 4 9 9
11 Pro Player Std 2003 Grass 40,585 5 11 3 3
12 Seattle 1999 Turf 52,894 4 5 13 10
13 Sportsman's Pk '11 Grass 18,000 11 6 2 2
14 Tiger Std '78 Grass 52,416 10 7 19 16
15 Wrigley Field '57 Grass 36,755 4 8 7 12
16 Yankee Std '96 Grass 57,545 16 7 12 7

Lot 14
1 Bank One Bpk 1999 Grass 48,569 10 13 6 6
2 Camden Yards 2005 grass 48,262 4 7 8 11
3 Comiskey Pk '41 Grass 52,000 10 10 2 2
4 County Std 1999 Grass 43,394 7 13 6 8
5 Ebbets Field 1934 grass 32,000 3 6 4 11
6 Forbes Field '09 Grass 25,000 8 8 0 0
7 Griffith Std '54 Grass 32,000 2 14 3 1
8 L.A. Coliseum 1959 grass 94,600 1 1 12 18
9 Metrodome 2005 turf 55,883 7 7 10 10
10 Oakland Col 1973 grass 50,000 1 1 9 9
11 Qualcomm Std 1999 Grass 66,307 1 1 7 9
12 Shea Std '64 Grass 55,601 8 8 4 13
13 Sportsman's Pk '20 Grass 18,000 14 14 19 4
14 Tiger Std 1996 grass 52,416 2 5 13 13
15 Wrigley Field '59 Grass 36,755 4 5 4 17
16 Yankee Std (NeL) Grass 82,000 3 2 13 8

Lot 15
1 Bank One Bpk 2005 grass 48,569 11 11 13 13
2 Candlestick Pk '61 Grass 42,553 1 5 19 8
3 Comiskey Pk '55 Grass 52,000 6 13 1 6
4 Crosley Field '41 Grass 33,000 11 11 2 2
5 Ebbets Field 1953 Grass 32,000 6 12 10 10
6 Forbes Field '11 Grass 25,000 9 13 2 2
7 Griffith Std '57 Grass 32,000 15 2 1 16
8 League Pk '11 Grass 21,414 13 17 1 1
9 Metropolitan Std '65 Grass 40,000 7 12 9 9
10 Olympic Std '78 Turf 43,739 3 3 5 5
11 Qualcomm Std 2000 Grass 66,307 1 1 3 6
12 Shea Std '71 Grass 55,601 3 3 19 4
13 Sportsman's Pk '57 Grass 30,500 7 7 12 6
14 Tiger Std 1999 Grass 52,416 3 3 13 18
15 Wrigley Field '63 Grass 36,755 4 13 19 10
16 Yankee Std 1999 Grass 57,545 3 6 6 6

Lot 16
1 Bennett Pk '11 Grass 14,000 12 12 9 19
2 Candlestick Pk '78 Grass 58,000 0 0 5 5
3 Crosley Field '51 Grass 30,000 8 8 1 6
4 Edison Int'l Fld 1999 Grass 45,050 6 3 10 10
5 Comiskey Pk '57 Grass 52,000 6 6 4 4
6 Metropolitan Std '71 Grass 40,000 8 14 3 12
7 Olympic Std '94 Turf 43,739 14 8 9 6
8 RFK Std 2005 grass 45,016 1 1 9 3
9 Shea Std '78 Grass 55,601 4 4 7 7
10 Sportsman's Pk '59 Grass 30,500 16 16 13 7
11 Tropicana Field 1999 turf 45,000 10 5 15 9
12 Wrigley Field '66 Grass 36,644 5 9 13 13
13 Yankee Std 2005 grass 57,545 7 7 10 10
Last edited by honestiago on Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:54 pm, edited 7 times in total.


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PostThu May 13, 2021 9:34 pm

This is an ongoing, standard, 12-team league where you are assigned a random ballpark each season.
Also randomized: Player Sets, DH, and Salary Cap.
Each manager gets 2 “Franchise Players” (see below)
When league is filled, I will generate BP Lots, BP Assignments, Player Sets, DH settings, and Cap (see below)

Parks are grouped in “Lots” of 16 Stadiums each (except the last Lot, which has 13)
Each season, a random Lot is drawn.
Ballparks from that lot are assigned to managers prior to draft.
Unassigned Parks are shifted into “File 99.”
When (if) all 16 lots are complete, File 99 will be used as the league’s last Lot.

PLAYER SETS: Since there is no easy way to randomize the player pool (anymore), we will generate our player pool as follows:
1: All players
2: 1901+
3: All players through Pre (includes NeL)
4: All players post and after
5: Expansion Teams only
6: The team with the worst record from previous season chooses the player set (tie breaker=head-to-head, then “coin flp” [random numbers])

DH: Determined randomly, before league forms (1=DH, 2=No DH)

SALARY CAP: Randomly, from the following:
1-2. 80M
3-4. 100M
5. 120M
6: 140M

FRANCHISE PLAYERS: You may claim 2 untouchable players, whose combined top salaries cannot exceed 18M. This is first come, first served, based on signup (see signup list, below). These players are yours for good, so choose wisely (or go with your heart, as I did with Ryn-o).

Managers sign up using the list, below.
If you remain in the league, the number you first signed up for is your number for the duration (EX: My # is ‘1’).
If a manager drops out, we will seek new recruits, starting with reservse, until our number is again 12.
Between seasons, you may move to reserve, provided there is a slot open.

Initial Sign up (list franchise players worth no more than 18M):
1. honestiago: Ryne Sandberg 8.44, Joe Mauer 9.22 (TOTAL: 17.66)
2. hittmens Barry Bonds 16.43, Frank Crosetti 1.53 total 17.96
(reserve, if a slot comes open)


  • Posts: 6195
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PostFri May 14, 2021 2:23 am

This is an ongoing, standard, 12-team league where you are assigned a random ballpark each season.
Also randomized: Player Sets, DH, and Salary Cap.
Each manager gets 2 “Franchise Players” (see below)
When league is filled, I will generate BP Lots, BP Assignments, Player Sets, DH settings, and Cap (see below)

Parks are grouped in “Lots” of 16 Stadiums each (except the last Lot, which has 13)
Each season, a random Lot is drawn.
Ballparks from that lot are assigned to managers prior to draft.
Unassigned Parks are shifted into “File 99.”
When (if) all 16 lots are complete, File 99 will be used as the league’s last Lot.

PLAYER SETS: Since there is no easy way to randomize the player pool (anymore), we will generate our player pool as follows:
1: All players
2: 1901+
3: All players through Pre (includes NeL)
4: All players post and after
5: Expansion Teams only
6: The team with the worst record from previous season chooses the player set (tie breaker=head-to-head, then “coin flp” [random numbers])

DH: Determined randomly, before league forms (1=DH, 2=No DH)

SALARY CAP: Randomly, from the following:
1-2. 80M
3-4. 100M
5. 120M
6: 140M

FRANCHISE PLAYERS: You may claim 2 untouchable players, whose combined top salaries cannot exceed 18M. This is first come, first served, based on signup (see signup list, below). These players are yours for good, so choose wisely (or go with your heart, as I did with Ryn-o).

Managers sign up using the list, below.
If you remain in the league, the number you first signed up for is your number for the duration (EX: My # is ‘1’).
If a manager drops out, we will seek new recruits, starting with reservse, until our number is again 12.
Between seasons, you may move to reserve, provided there is a slot open.

Initial Sign up (list franchise players worth no more than 18M):
1. honestiago: Ryne Sandberg 8.44, Joe Mauer 9.22 (TOTAL: 17.66)
2. hittmens Barry Bonds 16.43, Frank Crosetti 1.53 total 17.96
3. Paul_Long: Mickey Mantle 13.31, Bill Delancey 3.80 (total 17.11)
(reserve, if a slot comes open)


  • Posts: 682
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PostFri May 14, 2021 5:42 am

**Just shortening the lost entry a bit**

FRANCHISE PLAYERS: You may claim 2 untouchable players, whose combined top salaries cannot exceed 18M. This is first come, first served, based on signup (see signup list, below). These players are yours for good, so choose wisely (or go with your heart, as I did with Ryn-o).

Initial Sign up (list franchise players worth no more than 18M):
1. honestiago: Ryne Sandberg 8.44, Joe Mauer 9.22 (TOTAL: 17.66)
2. hittmens Barry Bonds 16.43, Frank Crosetti 1.53 total 17.96
3. Paul_Long: Mickey Mantle 13.31, Bill Delancey 3.80 (total 17.11)
(reserve, if a slot comes open)


  • Posts: 174
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PostFri May 14, 2021 8:27 am

FRANCHISE PLAYERS: You may claim 2 untouchable players, whose combined top salaries cannot exceed 18M. This is first come, first served, based on signup (see signup list, below). These players are yours for good, so choose wisely (or go with your heart, as I did with Ryn-o).

Initial Sign up (list franchise players worth no more than 18M):
1. honestiago: Ryne Sandberg 8.44, Joe Mauer 9.22 (TOTAL: 17.66)
2. hittmens Barry Bonds 16.43, Frank Crosetti 1.53 total 17.96
3. Paul_Long: Mickey Mantle 13.31, Bill Delancey 3.80 (total 17.11)
4. DinerMike: Jimmy Rollin 6.82, Pedro Martinez 11.17 (total 17.99)
(reserve, if a slot comes open)


  • Posts: 552
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PostFri May 14, 2021 12:27 pm

DinerMike wrote:FRANCHISE PLAYERS: You may claim 2 untouchable players, whose combined top salaries cannot exceed 18M. This is first come, first served, based on signup (see signup list, below). These players are yours for good, so choose wisely (or go with your heart, as I did with Ryn-o).

Initial Sign up (list franchise players worth no more than 18M):
1. honestiago: Ryne Sandberg 8.44, Joe Mauer 9.22 (TOTAL: 17.66)
2. hittmens Barry Bonds 16.43, Frank Crosetti 1.53 total 17.96
3. Paul_Long: Mickey Mantle 13.31, Bill Delancey 3.80 (total 17.11)
4. DinerMike: Jimmy Rollin 6.82, Pedro Martinez 11.17 (total 17.99)
5. tmfw30: Honus Wagner 7.68, Nap Lajoie 10.04 (17.72)
(reserve, if a slot comes open)


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PostFri May 14, 2021 3:38 pm

Honus’s Top card is more than 7.68 isn’t it?

Main Line Expos

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PostFri May 14, 2021 3:52 pm

FRANCHISE PLAYERS: You may claim 2 untouchable players, whose combined top salaries cannot exceed 18M. This is first come, first served, based on signup (see signup list, below). These players are yours for good, so choose wisely (or go with your heart, as I did with Ryn-o).

Initial Sign up (list franchise players worth no more than 18M):
1. honestiago: Ryne Sandberg 8.44, Joe Mauer 9.22 (TOTAL: 17.66)
2. hittmens Barry Bonds 16.43, Frank Crosetti 1.53 total 17.96
3. Paul_Long: Mickey Mantle 13.31, Bill Delancey 3.80 (total 17.11)
4. DinerMike: Jimmy Rollin 6.82, Pedro Martinez 11.17 (total 17.99)
5. tmfw30: Honus Wagner 7.68, Nap Lajoie 10.04 (17.72)
6. Main Line Expos: McCovey 9.86, Mathews 8.01 (17.87)
(reserve, if a slot comes open)


  • Posts: 1273
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PostFri May 14, 2021 4:39 pm

FRANCHISE PLAYERS: You may claim 2 untouchable players, whose combined top salaries cannot exceed 18M. This is first come, first served, based on signup (see signup list, below). These players are yours for good, so choose wisely (or go with your heart, as I did with Ryn-o).

Initial Sign up (list franchise players worth no more than 18M):
1. honestiago: Ryne Sandberg 8.44, Joe Mauer 9.22 (TOTAL: 17.66)
2. hittmens Barry Bonds 16.43, Frank Crosetti 1.53 total 17.96
3. Paul_Long: Mickey Mantle 13.31, Bill Delancey 3.80 (total 17.11)
4. DinerMike: Jimmy Rollin 6.82, Pedro Martinez 11.17 (total 17.99)
5. tmfw30: Honus Wagner 7.68, Nap Lajoie 10.04 (17.72)
6. Main Line Expos: McCovey 9.86, Mathews 8.01 (17.87)
7. BDWard: Babe Ruth 17.27, David Howard .5 (17.77)
(reserve, if a slot comes open)

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