LZB 52 will be: 105 Cap, No D/H, 5/10/20 drop, FrenzyEast --------------------------- Owner --------return (Y/N) Pick Randomizer -------- Cap Choice
Central - Penn Piranha51 *- deepdrive - Y
Worcester Wolfpack -------- htintx - Y
Garfield Hts. Orz'z ---------- timorz Y
Tinley T'Bolts 51 ------------ joeoc -Y
Central Owner
Smith Mountain Sorry Dogs! *- minnie minoso -Y
Dawgs of Destiny *------------- Simon31
Texas Skin Stealers ----------- N Texas Widowmakers - Y
Flying Canoe 102 -------------- 13Baseballs -Y
West Owner
Rooftop Wind Turbines *-------- Muadib1950
Lazy B Goat Ropers ------------- Frank Bailey -Y
Chattanooga Black Lookouts -- dspeters5
Right Again --------------------- traderj-Y
Randomizer Pick
1. FB (105)
3.TimOrz (105)
4. Simon31 (105)
5. deepdrive (105 cap OK)
6. dspeters5 (105
7. htintx (100)
8. 13Baseballs (105)
10. N Texas Widowmakers $105
11traderj (105-seems like the in thing )
12.Darrell (100)
Muadib1950 (Jon) left to check-in