Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:03 pm
Ok, now that season 3 is over, we have the draft order for the championship round (see below)
manager Total Wins
1 buster j ratt 215
2 warrenbob52 218
3 bontomn 228
5 modmark46 239
6 Private Jet Mama's Boys 240
7 Brent65/Rube 243
8 carr20 249
9 george barnard 251
10 andycummings65 257
11 thetallguy747-rooksa 269
12 2cityfan 273
The teams are as follows:
red sox 46
red sox 86
phillies 80
orioles 70
Braves 1898
indians 54
As 90
Tigers 40
senators 24
Phillies 15
mariners 2001
white sox 17
Here is the location of the rosters page to view the players available for each team:
You can see these teams on the roster page here:
buster J ratt can get us started when he is ready